Page 5 - MetalForming April 2009
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Serving those who create precision metal products using stamping, fabricating and other value-added processes.
Cover Story
18 Forming Higher-Strength Steels
Higher-strength steels perform differently during forming than other grades. Find out how and why, and how to prepare tooling to meet these forming challenges.
12 A Devotion to Innovation
Research and development projects such as large-part PVD coating and high-velocity electromagnetic forming are game changers for American Trim as it looks to stay upfront with new technology on behalf of its transportation and appliance customers.
16 Press Controls—What’s New?
Not up to speed on controls? That’s not surprising, given how they’ve evolved in recent years. Read on for an update, and visit MetalForming’s Pressroom Technology Show on the Web, at, to survey the newest products from press-control suppliers.
26 Automated Turret Press Triggers Growth
for Captive Sheetmetal Shop
A new CNC turret punch press with automated material handling partners with a new CNC servo-electric press brake to allow this manufacturer of tool-storage products —cabinets, drawers, etc.—to bring back inhouse all of its sheetmetal-fabrication services.
Tooling Technology
34 Tooling Up for High-Strength Steel
Like your mom always said, put that coat on. And when considering a tool coating, keep in mind the many ways that forming high-strength steel affects the decision.
The Future of Factoring is Here and Now—
Why Alternate Lending may be the Best Interim
Solution to Counter the Sour Credit Market
by Mike Semanco, COO, Hennessey Capital
April 2009 — Volume 43 — Number 4
Editorial ........................5
Business as Usual? Not a Chance
Brad F. Kuvin
TheScienceofForming ............32
Defining Advanced High-Strength Steels
Stuart Keeler
Tooling by Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Springback in High-Strength Steel Stampings
Peter Ulintz
Metalforming Electronics. . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Eliminating Expensive Dies and Presses
George Keremedjiev
NEW: The Business of Metalforming. . . . 42 Diversifying in a Stressed Economy, Part 1
Michael Bleau HOT off the PRESS
Daily News for the Industry
Backtalk .......................48
Profiting from Partnership
Louis A. Kren
BlackmanonTaxes .........ViewOnline
Your Qualified Plan is a Terrible Tax Trap; Here’s How to Escape
Irving L. Blackman
YouandtheLaw ...........ViewOnline
New Regulatory Issues That Can Impact You
Douglas B. M. Ehlke
News Fronts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 TechUpdate .....................8 Software for Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . 10 Tooling Update. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Spotlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Classifieds......................44 AdIndex.......................47 ReaderAction ...................47
ABOUT THE COVER: The increased forces needed to form, pierce and trim higher-strength steels create significant problems for pressroom equipment and tooling. Stamping AHSS can affect the size, strength, power and overall configuration of every major piece of the press line. Don’t take on this work without clearly understanding all of the variables at play, and the tooling and equipment changes you’ll need to make. It’s all here in this in-depth article, beginning on page 18.