Page 5 - MetalForming May 2009
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Serving those who create precision metal products using stamping, fabricating and other value-added processes.
Cover Story
12 Heavy-Handed Hydraulic Press Draws Applause at OCC World-renowned custom-motorcycle builder Orange County Choppers welcomes a feature-laden hydraulic deep-draw press to its metal-fabrication shop to take control of fender and gas-tank fabrication.
16 Rollforming Demands More from Coil Handling
The long feed lengths, and the starting and stopping due to inline operations prior to rollforming, make careful attention to coil handling a must.
18 The Case for Compact Feed Lines
When considering investing in a compact feed line, compared to a more conventional long-loop line, metalformers should carefully consider the application-specific guidelines discussed here.
24 Barcode Scanning the Perfect Servo-Feed Complement Oil-burner manufacturer R.W. Beckett upgrades a pair of coil-feed lines—one feeding flat stock and the second feeding 3⁄16-in.-dia. wire rod—by adding barcode scanning technology to simplify and speed setups, and add a degree of mistake proofing.
Tooling Technology
32 Simulation a Saving Grace in Transfer-Die Design
Computer forming simulation leads to deep-draw dies done right the first time as this Tennessee die designer and builder waves goodbye to the inefficient cut-and-hope method.
May 2009 — Volume 43 — Number 5
Editorial ........................5
Detroit’s Demise—What Goes Up Must Come Down
Brad F. Kuvin
TheScienceofForming ............30
Alternate Forming of Very High-Strength Steel Stuart Keeler
Forming Aluminum Stampings—Part 2
Peter Ulintz
TheBusinessofMetalforming ........42
Industry Migration: Diversifying in a Stressed Economy, Part 2
Michael Bleau
Backtalk .......................48
Harley-Davidson Rides a New Road
Louis A. Kren HOT off the PRESS
Daily News for the Industry
Metalforming Electronics . . . . . View Online
Maintain Technically Challenging Projects
George Keremedjiev
BlackmanonTaxes .........ViewOnline
You Can’t Beat Death, But You Can Beat the Estate Tax
Irving L. Blackman
You and The Law . . . . . . . . . . . View Online
What’s on OSHA’s Enforcement Plate
Douglas B. M. Ehlke
NewsFronts......................6 TechUpdate .....................8 Materials & Coatings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 ToolingUpdate...................28 Spotlight.......................38 New Products. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Ad Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 ReaderAction ...................47
ABOUT THE COVER: The OCC fabrication shop welcomes a new 350-ton hydraulic draw press that allows it to form and fabricate gas tanks and fenders inhouse, the final step need- ed to optimize manufacture of its new Limited Edition Pro- duction Bike Line, launched in 2007. Each production bike is hand-built in the OCC shop using all-American parts. Story begins on page 12.