Page 11 - MetalForming June 2009
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To replace the hardwired system, four communication adapters—one for each press bolster—were replaced with EtherNet/IP adapters and a ProSoft Technology Ethernet radio. Each controller was fitted with a second Ethernet card and an Ethernet radio.
Says Mullins: “Our initial concerns that the steel would impede the radio performance turned out to be unfounded. When the bolsters interfere with line-of-sight, the radios continuously try to read through the bolsters.” As a result, Gestamp has elim- inated the downtime plaguing its McCalla facility, translating into an annual savings of as much as $174,000, plus the value of the parts produced during the gained uptime.
ProSoft Technology Inc.: 661/716-5100;
New Servo-Mechanical Press from German Builder
German manufacturer H&T Produktions Technologie GmbH, represented in the United States by KaroTech, Inc., Oxford, CT, introduces the MultiServoPress (MSP) that combines the speed of a mechanical press with the flexibility of a hydraulic press, for precision metalforming applications. The servo- motor press inter-
acting with plane-
tary roller-thread
spindles makes
press force avail-
able in any stroke
position and at any
press force is
ensured right
through to zero
speed. The press is
designed so that
sensors recognize
the position of the
ram as a control
variable during operations. Depending on the load—even an eccentric load—the ram always is positioned according to the set point, compensating for any skews present in the system.
The press can be operated by means of a hand-wheel, allow- ing operators to adjust the ram sensitively at full press force, at any point and time. Maximum safety is ensured by an emer- gency on-off switch integrated into the hand wheel.
As ram speed is controllable, forming operations can be car- ried out with modified ram movement and reduced tool wear. At the same time, noise and vibration emissions are reduced.
H&T tested a 35-strokes/min. tool design on the MSP, oper- ating the press at 100 strokes/min. without having to make any modifications to the tool. The tool beforehand only had been
deployed on
a mechanical eccentric press.
Turn every tenth of a second into money
For AP&T, automation is a matter of moving sheet metal from one point to another as quickly as possible.
Things are always faster with the right automation – and time is
dynamics interact
with quick posi-
tioning control, allow-
ing forming operations
to be combined with big bucks. added processes such as
joining, side piercing, welding,
laser marking, metal-plastic combinations or heattreatment.
The MSP was developed in col-
laboration between H&T and the SIBEA
GmbH Zwickau, which developed the electro-automa-
tion system based primarily on Siemens components. Models are available from 630 kN to 2500 kN, and can be used for transfer and progressive tools.
KaroTech, Inc.: 203/463-4238
New Press-Drive Option Promises Full Energy Over Wide Speed Range
The Minster Machine Co., Minster, OH, has developed what it calls the Dual Energy Drive (DED) for stampers look- ing to diversify their range of applications within a single press. The DED feature, allowing one press to act as a single- or dou- ble-geared machine, delivers full stamping energy over a wider speed range, according to company officials. The single- geared operating mode allows metalformers to perform pro- gressive- and blanking-die work at high speeds. With the push of a button, the same press can be switched to double- geared mode, where it can operate with full energy at slow speeds for deep-draw and transfer work.
The operating modes are selected via touchscreen control, and modes can be stored with tool data and recalled during tool installation and setup. The innovation, claim Minster offi- cials, means that stampers no longer have to deal with the speed limitations of a double-geared press when quoting progressive- die work.
DED-equipped presses can be fitted with coil lines, destack- er units and transfers for running both coil-fed progressive and blank-fed transfer applications. In addition, the DED feature can be combined with other Minster features such as infinitely adjustable stroke or alternate slide motion.
The Minster Machine Co.: 419/628-2331;
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your small time margins into
write no. 11