Page 40 - MetalForming July/August 2009
P. 40
George Keremedjiev has been writing this column for more than 20 years. He regularly consults with metalforming companies worldwide and provides metal- formers with training on the appli- cation and implementation of sen- sors for die protection. For more information on his seminars and consultancies, contact:
Tecknow Education Services, Inc. P.O. Box 6448
Bozeman, MT 59771
phone: 406/587-4751
fax: 406/587-9620
Iwill be dedicating the next few columns to helping those of you who are rela- tively new to electronic sensor-based die protection and have minimal budg- ets to implement this technology within low-cost parameters. You may be a tool- maker, machinist, millwright or main- tenance person, or perhaps wearing a few of these and other titles simultaneously while being given the task of imple- menting electronic sensors in your tool- ing, but with limited monies to pull it off.
I will be sharing with you some of the cost shortcuts that I have devel- oped in this field over the past 30 years. In this first of a series of columns on die-protection technology on a tight budget, I will outline the basic necessi- ties that you need to have in place before you make any attempts at testing, mounting and implementing electron- ic sensors in your tooling. Subsequent columns will address the testing of your inventions and applications of elec- tronic sensors in dies and tooling with minimal cost. Tight budgets will be our predominant guideline.
Those of you without economic restrictions may still enjoy these columns as it may enhance your basic understanding of electronic sensors and their applications in tooling or, at the very least, be a pleasant trip down mem- ory lane as you recall your own past experiences in a similar situation.
For the next month or so, I would like you to contact vendors of electron- ic sensors and die-protection controls and create a library of their catalogs. These catalogs and associated litera- ture are, for the most part, totally free. A good place to start locating these
companies would be PMA’s supplier directory, Your maintenance and tool-design departments may have some current electronic sensor catalogs.
I also recommend the following two books as reference works that should be in this library: Electronics Demystified, by Stan Gibilisco, and The Art of Elec- tronics, by Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill. There will be situations, from time to time when you will need some basic electrical/electronic questions answered and these books are good sources for those answers. You will need to set aside a shelf dedicated to this library, which in time will occupy the better part of a bookcase.
Business Card
This is not trivial. You need to have a business card with your contact infor- mation including your e-mail, tele- phone and fax numbers (these phone numbers can be the main company’s numbers and not necessarily dedicated telephone numbers for you personally). This business card is very important as the above sensors and die-protection controls companies will want to meet with you via their sales personnel to showcase their latest devices. It is para- mount that you take this seriously as these personal visits will be a bottomless source of information for you in the future. Many of the sales persons that will be visiting with you will have had years of experience with the application of sensors. This is a good resource to have and it is free.
If you feel that as a toolmaker, machin- ist, millwright or maintenance person that you don’t need to have a business card for these visits. I could not disagree
Die Protection on a Tight Budget, Part 1
This CD-ROM presents dozens of George’s columns as well as papers and exclusive new presentations covering all aspects of die protection and part-quality inspection, starting and maintaining sensor programs, the role of controls in in-die sensing, and the benefits of a sound sensor program. Order it online at