Page 17 - MetalForming November 2009
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proved to be extremely cost-effective. “We also participate in the Educa- tional Foundation’s annual Best Prac- tices Workshops,” Zierick continues. “These workshops feature PMA dis- trict leaders and their local educators coming together to share what they are doing locally to meet the training needs
of metalforming companies. “Looking ahead to 2010,” Zierick
adds, “PMAEF will continue to develop curriculum and training tools for stamping and tool and die competency- based apprenticeships, following guide- lines developed by the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS); pro- vide extended learning opportunities through PMA’s educational conferences at its tradeshows in the United States and in Mexico, as well as through sem- inars and webinars; expand our Tech- nical Training Library catalogue; hold a new Marketing and Sales Conference, scheduled for next fall; continue to build relationships with other like- minded organizations; and look for new opportunities to be the primary provider of metalforming-industry workforce-development solutions.”
Zierick credits the many supporters of the Educational Foundation that allow it to continue to serve the indus- try at such a high level. “All of the services and products developed by PMAEF result from the generosity and support it receives from the industry it serves,” she says. “Many individuals and companies have stepped up as endowment contributors, annual part- ners, grant-fund donors or fundraising- event sponsors. Continued industry support of the Educational Foundation will play a key role in preserving the future of our industry.”
Zierick credits the many supporters of the Educational Foundation that allow it to continue to serve the indus- try at such a high level. “All of the services and products developed by PMAEF result from the generosity and support it receives from the industry it serves,” she says. “Many individuals and companies have stepped up as endowment contributors, annual
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