Page 23 - MetalForming November 2009
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ing for it” by losing vital control over what has become a growing list of process variables. This loss of control can cause unscheduled downtime in the pressroom and wreak havoc on part quality.
Seeing the Handwriting on the Wall
One metalforming company that saw the handwriting on the wall and realized that a press-automation control upgrade not only would easily provide a quick return on investment but also prepare it for future growth and pros- perity, is appliance-industry supplier nth/works. The Louisville, KY stamper, which also supplies the automotive, electronics and HVAC markets, under- took an intensive program late in 2007 to upgrade the controls on all 36 of its mechanical presses.
“Tool complexity really took off on us,” says nth/works’ sensor-applications specialist Jason Chanda, “to handle rap- idly increasing aesthetic requirements from our customers.” Doug Hogan, director of sales and marketing, adds, “More often, we’ve been quoting jobs with drawn features whose dimensions stretch along several different forms, which are very challenging to check and verify. As we take on more of this type of work, we’re required to take our in-die sensing to a whole new level.”
The firm operates presses from 75- to 1100-ton capacity; bed size reaches 240 in. on a couple of transfer presses and some dies contain nearly 50 sensors. For sure, state-of-the-art press controls would be needed on its presses as nth/works continued to take on these types of complex dies. But the need for additional sensor inputs represents just one cost justification for the level of investment needed to upgrade three dozen presses.
“From an executive level, we dis- cussed a handful of items that con- vinced us, back in 2007, to commit to attaining the highest level of press- automation control technology available,” says Hogan. “Escalating die complexity,
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