Page 27 - MetalForming January 2010
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linear position sensor to monitor slide position and then save unique bottom and top return positions for each die. It can monitor as many as 10 stages of slide motion, and features three selec- table, built-in motion curves for pro- gramming limit switch and sensor tim- ing—sinusoidal (similar to a mechanical press), proportional (similar to a hydraulic press) and asymmetrical (three variable-resolution curves are built in, proportional through the top of the stroke with high-resolution areas at the bottom);
The Best New Materials Innovation Award went to Tower Oil & Technology Co., Chicago, IL, for developing Saf-T- Vanish, a synthetic, VOC-free stamping lubricant to replace typical vanishing oils. Saf-T-Vanish contains no haz- ardous ingredients, uses renewable resources and is totally biodegradable. Drying time is typically half that of sol- vent-based fluids, and the lubricant does not contain the typical extreme pressure additives, has a high lubricity factor and offers excellent corrosion protection;
Link Electric & Safety Control Co.
Metalformers looking to upgrade the controls on manually fed or mod- erately automated presses with an affordable resolver/encoder-based press controller need look no further than the new OmniLink System 5100-MPC package from Link Electric & Safety Control Co., Nashville, TN. As described by company officials, the control is ideal for use on smaller presses that don’t need more expensive and feature-laden controls. It features the OmniLink 805 operator terminal, System 5100 card rack and other System 5100 compo- nents that provide motor and clutch- brake control, auxiliary press-system control, automation sequencing and interface and production-process mon- itoring.
Pax Products
A completely new type of shaker conveyor was introduced by Pax Prod- ucts, Celina, OH, called the EGD (ellip-
tical gear driven) conveyor. The ellipti- cal gear drive produces a reciprocat- ing, varying acceleration motion that conveys parts and scrap exiting a stamp- ing die out of the press area. Compared to a standard linkage design, the use of elliptical gears in a sealed gear box, company officials say, provides four times the acceleration rate and a sig- nificantly higher conveying speed at a lower RPM.
At the show was the Model EGD- 75, with a maximum total tray weight of 75 lb., maximum part/scrap weight of 250 lb., maximum crossbar length of 72 in. and a fixed conveying speed to 25 ft./min. The company expects to release two additional models in 2010.
Accurate Die Design
Logopress Corp., Besancon, France, along with its North American distrib- utor and U.S. technical center Accurate Die Design Inc., New Berlin, WI, unveiled the 2010 version of its Logo- press3 tool-design software. The new
individual reduction percentages in each stage of the draw process.;
Moeller Manufacturing Co.
Moeller Manufacturing Co., Ply- mouth, MI, introduced to the North
version includes Logopress3 Blank for FEA (finite-element analysis) and flat- blank prediction, including animation of the forming process.
The multi-user environment in Logopress3 2010 has been enhanced to better facilitate multiple die designers working concurrently on the same tool design. Also, an often-requested enhancement from users now has been implemented so that when using the Round Draw module, the user can enter
American metalforming market the LifePlus lineup of nitrogen die springs developed by Italian manufacturer Spe- cial Springs. LifePlus springs boast a built-in over-pressure safety feature so that pressure is completely discharged should it exceed the maximum allow- able value, avoiding any impact to the body. There are no welded or threaded parts—Special Springs guarantees unlimited fatigue durability. And, some models include the patent-pending fea- ture called Skudo, a cap over the top of the spring that protects the cylinder seal and guides from contaminants.
Lempco, Farmington Hills, MI, showcased its redesigned ball cages with several improvements and enhance- ments. Newly improved orbital stak- ing enhances ball-bearing retention and prevents the loss of ball bearings during use. And the ball cages are now black anodized to provide a protective hard coating. Stampers that use the ball cages will enjoy high-speed press pro- duction with less-frequent replacement, said company officials, avoiding costly downtime.
Lincoln Electric
Amongst the crowded and equip- ment-laden booth of Lincoln Electric we spied a cool new feature added to the