Page 22 - MetalForming February 2010
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investigation, the team document every step taken to successfully complete a changeover. And, it should do so for several die changes, not just one, to gain a clear and accurate picture of what’s happening on the floor in order to identify every bump and bruise along the way. Take detailed notes, and even consider videotaping several die changes to identify opportunities to save time. Is your die-change team wasting time looking for the die, waiting for a lift truck or overhead crane to become available, or trying to find hand tools that have been misplaced?”
Look at Layout
Other areas to focus on include ensuring the press cells are laid out to allow quick and efficient movement of dies as well as coils of stock in and out of the cell. “Look for ways you can redesign the cell, perhaps by simply reorienting a conveyor or other pieces of equipment, so your die-change special- ists can perform several operations simultaneously,” adds Drake.
Yes, there’s plenty of equipment out there to help metalformers streamline their die-change processes. But before evaluating the new technology avail- able and getting out the calculator to total up the amount of money that might be needed to purchase those items on the shopping list, the QDC team should review the step-by-step die-change analysis and watch the tape over and over. Its focus should be on looking for steps that can be eliminat- ed from the process without spending
too much money up front.
“Focus on how to properly and effi-
ciently perform your die changes,” says Richardson, “rather than on why you need to achieve QDC. “Standardize your dies, where possible, with common backing plates, bolt sizes and passline heights, for example, to speed the process and eliminate steps. Keep clean and up-to-date part prints at the press that include a mechanical detail sheet showing the required press adjustments.”
What You Need, When You Need It
Many a 20-min. die changes has been extended to 45 min. or even longer as technicians search high and low for misplaced tools. Cure this all-too-com- mon problem by establishing defined setup carts equipped with all of the tools needed to perform a die change, including extra clamps and hoses. Ded- icate one or two or these carts and the tools they store only for die changes— buy an extra wrench or two if need be just so the die-change tool carts remain stocked and ready to go.
“And don’t allow anyone—including maintenance or repair people—to remove tools from the carts,” says Drake.
Want More?
Stampers that standardize their dies as much as possible can more readily take advantage of a locating system like the one shown here with a system of clamps and die lifters.
Adds Richardson: “Even before beginning a die change, ensure your scheduling procedure calls for inspect- ing the die, maintaining and cleaning it well before it’s scheduled to be installed on the press. This will prevent your press and operators from sitting idle waiting for last-minute (and rushed) die maintenance.”
While sound scheduling practices will address the die-maintenance con- cern described by Richardson, Drake takes the notion one step further. “In terms of scheduling your pressroom and toolroom,” he says, “die changes can be performed more quickly and efficiently—with fewer steps—if shops get away from the concept that every die should be capable of running on every press. Your QDC team should look at your inventory of frequently run dies, and your presses, and categorize your dies based on size, tonnage required and the width of the material being processed. By earmarking certain dies for a specific press or perhaps a few presses, we see metalforming companies eliminating setup steps or minimizing the time needed to perform certain die- change procedures. For example, you’ll be able to use a locating system in the press with stops and pins to help your operators precisely and quickly locate dies in the press,” Drake adds.
Better Clamping— Take the Plunge
The time has come for stampers to evolve beyond manual die clamping, say Richardson and Drake, to not only speed die changes but to also safeguard workers performing die changes. Tasking
The Precision Metalforming Association offers a 90-min. webinar—
Quick Changeover Simplified—that explains in greater depth many of the ideas cov- ered in this article, including how to prepare an employee project team, establish a baseline and standardize your equipment and procedures. Archived for download at, it’s presented by Fletcher Birmingham, president of Summit Business Consulting, Inc. Price: $100, $75 for PMA members.