Page 11 - MetalForming June 2010
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Systems, a business unit of Consona Corp., Indianapolis, IN. The new company-wide implementation will streamline Ulbrich’s ERP business processes and is expected to provide cost savings across its sales, manufacturing and costing functions.
Ulbrich already has implemented the Axis ERP solution at its shaped-wire production facility in North Haven, CT, and at its North Haven corporate finance department; other locations, including production facilities and service centers providing strip, flat and shaped-wire products, are scheduled to go live with Axis later in 2010.
Consona Corp: 317/249-1700;
Report Shows
that ERP Projects
Earn a Quick ROI
Don’t stop investing in ERP (enter- prise-resource-planning) projects now, due to economic pressures. Do just the oppo- site, as return-on-investment (ROI) esti- mates easily cost-justify ERP projects. So finds a newly published research report, “Measuring the ROI of ERP: Keeping Proj- ects Alive Just When You Need Them the Most,” from Aberdeen Group, and spon- sored by Plex Systems, Auburn Hills, MI. Researchers concluded that best-in-class companies, with regards to ERP projects, produce twice the reduction in invento- ry levels as industry average, and that these companies expect ERP projects to pay for themselves within two years. Plex Systems: 248/391-8001;
Invests in Plant
Management Software
KSO Metalfab, Inc., Streamwood, IL, has purchased MIE Maintenance, pre- ventive-maintenance software from MIE Solutions. The software manages main-
tenance requests and predefined tasks to notify the maintenance team to per- form work that preserves and restores equipment reliability, replacing worn components before they fail. Workers also can use the software to record equipment deterioration so that they know how to repair or replace worn parts.
KSO Metalfab provides metal stamp-
ings, fabricated metal parts and proto- types to the computer, fast-food, auto- motive, medical and other industries, with an impressive equipment list that includes a laser-punch, stand-alone laser-cutting machines, programmable press brakes and stamping presses to 95-ton capacity. MIE Solutions: 714/786-6230;
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The best steels for premium tools