Page 4 - MetalForming June 2010
P. 4
Contents June 2010
Volume 44 — Number 6
Cover Story
12 Modular, Flexible Convey- ors—Sustainability and Total Cost of Ownership
10 Magnets Grip Where Cups Can’t
16 Recreating History with Modern Technology
Tooling Technology
21 Quick Die Change— The Process
Editorial ........................2
On the Rebound
Brad F. Kuvin
TheScienceofForming ............24
Lack of Good Data Leads to Disaster
Stuart Keeler
High-Strength Stampings
Peter Ulintz
Metalforming Electronics. . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Sensor Fundamentals, Part 1 Targets: Edges & Surfaces George Keremedjiev
The Business of Metalforming. . . . . . . . . . 30
Pulse Faster: Pick up your Pace
Michael Bleau
Blackman on Taxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Would You Invest Four Hours to Stop the IRS from Taking One-Half of Your Wealth? Irving L. Blackman
YouandTheLaw .................34
OSHA’s New Severe Violator Enforcement Program—Penalties Up to $250,000 Each Douglas B. M. Ehlke
News Fronts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 TechUpdate .....................6 Software for Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Tooling Update. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Ad Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Serving those who create precision metal products using stamping, fabricating and other value-added processes.
“Toolrooms throughout the industry are buzzing with activity as dies make their way back into production.”
On the Rebound
The news is good from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics—as of mid-May, manufacturing has added 101,000 jobs this year. More than half of those new jobs belong to three key industries—fabricated metal products, machinery and primary metals.
Several recent conversations with metalformers and industry suppliers alike reflect those statistics, as I’ve heard countless tales in recent weeks of work- force fortification. The only caveat: Many companies are expanding with caution, surveying the landscape for any recurring signs of weakness. But no such signs appear on the horizon. In fact, PMA’s May business-conditions report reveals that a mere 15 percent of member companies expect orders to drop off during the next three months, while 46 percent expect orders to con- tinue to rise.
My perspective comes from a hand- ful of visits to suppliers along with a new traveling companion—Metal- Forming magazine’s new publisher, Andy Flando. Without fail, all express optimism, with varying levels of cau- tion. Press time is filling up, Andy and I were told, and as it does so is con- sumption of products needed to refuel our nation’s pressrooms and fabrica- tion shops. Toolrooms throughout the industry are buzzing with activity as dies make their way back into produc- tion. Wise spending, if not big spending.
As the industry rebounds and met- alforming companies look to invest once again in their businesses, Metal- Forming also has looked to invest in our products and services. The process began with the hiring of Andy, a 15-yr. marketing and publishing professional,
as our new publisher tasked with direct- ing sales and marketing efforts and with developing customer relationships. Also, just within the last few weeks the mag- azine’s staff has taken large strides to improve the functionality, the look and feel of our website. The redesign, in its infancy yet, already features enhanced navigation and the latest new-product and technology introductions. Every day we’re posting new information to the site to help metalformers bounce higher as they continue to rebound.
PMA also has just launched a new website,, designed to help metalforming professionals find solu- tions to business and industry chal- lenges, locate technical training and engage in peer-to-peer collaboration. For designers and purchasers of metal- formed parts and assemblies, the new houses a robust manufacturing member directory to complement the longstanding MakeitMetal buyers’ guide. Search for suppliers by manufacturing process, drill down by specific capabil- ities and geography, and use the new Request for Quote functionality.
Says Randy Kish, PMA marketing manager: “Our goal with the new web- site is to be the go-to resource for met- alforming knowledge and networking. What we’ve launched is just the tip of the iceberg.”