Page 14 - MetalForming December 2010
P. 14
Awards of Excellence 2010
productivity, a 20 percent reduction in labor to sales. Top Gun parts have gen- erated more than $700,000 in annual- ized savings across 30 parts.
A.R. Hedberg Training
and Education Award
New OJT Program Improves Performance of Newly Placed Employees
Pridgeon & Clay, Inc., Grand Rapids, MI, received the 2010 A.R. Hedberg Training and Education Award for its on-the-job training (OJT) program instituted for hourly production posi- tions. New hires, as well as newly placed
employees, work with designated OJT trainers to attain the knowledge neces- sary to properly perform their duties. Trainers were selected by the firm’s HR department and department managers.
Once a new hire or transfer has been identified, the trainer is given the OJT curriculum. He then spends one to four weeks teaching the trainee proper job skills. At the conclusion, the trainer and trainee sign paperwork acknowledging completion of the training An HR rep- resentative audits the trainee on the floor to verify the training, then documents the training in the firm’s computer system.
As a result of the OJT program, Prid- geon & Clay has experienced increased quality and output of work by newly placed employees; reduced employee turnover; increased ability to identify and react to subpar performance as soon as possible after hire, to limit neg- ative influence on Pridgeon & Clay’s quality ratings; and the ability to ensure that any necessary changes in skill set are immediately addressed. The program also enables Pridgeon & Clay to require less previous experience when hiring new employees.
Clips & Clamps Industries Educational Institution Award
Better Technical Instruction Attracts New Manufacturing Companies to Tennessee
The Tennessee Technology Center at Shelbyville, Shelbyville, TN, received the 2010 Clips & Clamps Industries Educational Institution Award for its Machine Tool Technology program. The program gives students practical experience on lathes, grinders and ver- tical and horizontal mills, as well as hand tools and bench work. Students in the advanced phases of the program receive instruction and perform practi- cal experiences on CNC equipment.
The program stresses safety, quality and continuous improvement, while students develop skills working with precision tools such as calipers, microm- eters and indicators, and learn to read blueprints and understand CAD draw- ings. Training related to tool and die work allows students to construct and try out new molds and dies in injection-mold- ing machines and stamping presses.
The excellent skills of the center’s graduates helped convince two new companies to locate in Tennessee—Fis- cher Tool and Die and Summit Poly- mers. And, the local Chamber of Com- merce has made the Machine Tool Technology program a highlight of recruitment visits. MF
Earn Industry
Recognition in 2011
Does your organization excel in one or more of these categories?
• Training and Education • Quality
• Safety
• Design
• Process Control
• Productivity
• Product Development
• Educational Institution
If so, then apply for a PMA 2011
Award of Excellence in Metalforming.
For more information or to apply, visit or contact Christie Carmigiano at 216/901-8800;