Page 48 - MetalForming June 2011
P. 48
New Products
Anti-Drift Turning Roll
Koike Aronson, Inc./Ran-
some, Arcade, NY, a manu-
facturer of cutting and posi-
tioning equipment for the
metalworking industry, introduces
the Anti-Drift Turning Roll, which
uses Koike’s patent-pending eccen-
tric axle design to minimize vessel drift.
The turning roll allows for a lower vessel center-
line height and holds the vessel on rolls axially in posi-
tion within + 0.04 in. It automatically compensates for vessel irregularities and roll misalignment, making corrections quickly and with little force. The machine’s sim- ple, low-maintenance design eliminates unreliable moving bases and vertically moving wheels.
Koike Aronson, Inc.: Ransome: 800/252-5232;
Cool Your Shop with this Tough Fan
Big Ass Fans Lexington, KY, introduces Yellow Jacket, a portable, durable fan designed for flexibility and quiet operation. Features include:
• Heavy-gauge steel carriage engineered to withstand harsh environments;
• Powerfoil-inspired blades for maxi- mum efficiency and airflow coverage;
• Acoustically designed fan, motor and carriage for quiet
• Oversized wheels and ergonomic han- dle for maneu- verability;
• Multiple speeds and an eas-
ily operated locking- position mechanism ;
• High-efficiency design to reduce energy use by more than 50 percent;
• Flexible posi- tioning—mount
on ceiling or
wall; multiple
floor-mounting options available. Big Ass Fans: 877/244-3267;
The Manufacturing ERP Experience
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46 MetalForming/June 2011