Page 13 - MetalForming July 2011
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Press Controls For All Presses
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The Business of Metalforming
less than laptops, yet they excel at pro- cessing large video files, animation and other presentation files.
Buy-In from IT
Involve the IT department early in the planning process to help speed inte- gration. Try to avoid letting the emo- tion-filled, age-old Mac versus PC argu- ment cloud the conversation. Today’s tablets are in a class by themselves, and so arguments for or against based on how well they’ll work within a Microsoft world, or if their browsers support Adobe Flash, are for the most part invalid. Both operating systems support e-mail, cal- endars, VPN protocols, etc., and can thrive in our largely Window’s world. Android and Apple hardware can pro- vide stellar functionality.
Many companies hire developers to create custom, ad-hoc applications tai- lored to manage or automate certain business processes, or as dedicated sales or product-presentation apps. While this isn’t anything new, the rela- tively inexpensive cost of developing tablet-based applications and the avail- ability of a growing and diverse devel- opment community has boosted the popularity of doing so. Here, too, there are numerous options.
My advice: Before developing a cus- tom-branded app, try to find close out- of-the box alternatives that you can buy and try before you build. Most tablet apps range from $1 to $3, with more expensive apps still less than $20. Then, if still necessary, you can work with a developer to mock up a cus- tom-application’s core requirements and functionality before jumping into coding. Many developers apply the agile development methodology, which is quicker and often less expensive. However, this can lead to unnecessary and costly development distractions should communication between the developer and users become strained. Be prepared to describe your needs and let the developer help you design an easy-to-use solution that meets your requirements. MF
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