Page 72 - MetalForming October 2011
P. 72
Hot Stamping
Vanish Oil: The lubricant that removes itself from your formed parts.
Lamson Vanish Oils improve your stamping operation by eliminating the costly cleaning and disposal steps required with conventional oils.
Once applied, Vanish stays on the part through the stamping operation and then will evaporate. Within30 to 45 minutes,your parts will be dry and on their way to assembly or shipping areas
Unlike other evaporating oils Lamson Vanish is completely odorless and contains no harmful chlorinated solvents. And Lamson Vanish can be used safely on most sensitive finishes and pre-coated stock.
For detailed product information log onto:
or call 800-577-7895
Opportunity Knocks
Now let’s explore the potential economic opportunities hot stamping offers Tier Two and Three stampers. I am con- vinced that it is simply a matter of time before sectors other than automotive
will adopt hot stamping to remove weight from, while strengthening, their products. Who would not want a lighter and stronger lawn mower? What about replacing machined or cast parts with hot- stamped parts? And how about the aero- space industry, where strength and weight always are a concern? Perhaps parts currently stamped from exot- ic materials such as titanium or magne- sium alloys could be candidates for hot- stamped steel parts instead.
But how to pay
for that first hot-
stamping line?
There are various
grants available to
help offset the costs
of research and development in manufacturing. Your state likely offers such a program, a perfect opportunity to obtain at least partial funding for an experimental hot-stamping line that would allow a stamper to approach RFQs from current and potential clients for hot-stamped parts. Similar pro- grams abound within the federal government. Such an exper- imental setup would allow a stamper to revisit current cold- stamped parts and perhaps develop viable and lucrative alternatives.
In other words, I see hot stamping as allowing metal- formers to take quantum leaps over their competition by opening up new markets for their companies. During the week of December 5, I will conduct the Big Sky Manufac- turing Conference in Germany. Designed for North Ameri- can metalforming executives not currently running hot- stamping lines, the event will afford the opportunity to visit German stamping shops running cold-forming lines as well as hot-stamping lines. For more information, visit MF
70 MetalForming/October 2011
Dies open and closed, stationed in an AP&T hot-stamping line. The closed die performs forming and cooling functions.