Page 19 - MetalForming January 2012
P. 19
Fabtech Leads Metalformers
to theCutting Edge
Here’s a look at new waterjet- and laser- cutting technology on display at Fabtech, held last November 14-17 in Chicago. Look for additional coverage of technology displayed at Fabtech in coming issues of MetalForming.
Lasers Light up the Show
The talk of the
town undoubted-
ly was fiber-laser
promising effi-
cient, accurate
and high-speed
cutting of thin-
gauge sheetmet-
al. Amada Amer-
ica became one
of the first com-
panies to intro-
duce fiber technology to the world when it
debuted its FOL3015AJ fiber-laser cutting
machine at EuroBlech in October 2010. I
watched that machine run through its paces in
Germany, and joined hundreds of other Fabtech
visitors in amazement as it did its thing in Chica-
go. The machine featured a 4-kW laser and a
three-axis linear-drive system providing 5G
acceleration over a 5- by 10-ft. worktable. It promises to make quick work of most metal-alloy stock to 0.875 in., although we’re told by experts that fiber lasers pro- vide optimum benefit, compared to CO2 lasers, at material thicknesses to about 6 mm, or 1⁄4 in. To optimize productivity, Amada equips the machine with high- speed shuttle tables and an automatic nozzle changer—nozzle changes take 31 sec.
Fabtech marked Salvagnini’s launch of its second-generation fiber laser, the L5 (as seen on the cover of this issue of MetalForming), boasting what the com- pany calls its “compass structure.” Also a 5G machine, the L5’s patented mechanical drive system features a pair of rotary motors that, say compa- ny officials, offers similar dynamics to those of linear motors yet consumes less than 1 kW of power when in oper- ation. The use of rotary motors also
Touring Fabtech last November, we spied several new laser- and waterjet-cutting machines dotting the show floor in Chicago. Bigger cutting tables, expanded controls capabilities, lightning-fast and incredibly precise motion sys- tems and new automation equipment promise to deliver to metalformers unprecedented levels of productivity, quality and throughput. Also noted were several new machines touted as entry-level models—affordable to acquire, operate and main- tain, and aimed at frugal fabricators.
Here is some of the new cutting technology we spied dur- ing the show; visit each manufacturer’s website for more details, videos, etc.
MetalForming/January 2012 17