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officials, ensures consistent abrasive flow to the cutting head to optimize time between maintenance cycles. A clear pump chamber allows for quick visual inspection to confirm abrasive is present and flowing correctly.
Omax Corp.
Omax Corp. demonstrated its 80X JetMachining Center to Fabtech atten- dees, equipped with a 50-hp Enduro- Max pump and Tilt-A-Jet cutting head. Ideal for precision machining of large parts, the machine features a linear- drive package fully enclosed inside coated steel covers, making it a robust and reliable system well suited for harsh environments. It comes stan- dard with the Omax Intelli-Max soft- ware running on Windows 7 Ultimate; motion accuracy is ±0.003 in.
Omax officials explained that the EnduroMax pump provides double the operating life of previous pumps, while enabling faster part processing at
reduced operating costs. It’s rated for 1000 hr. of operation between pump rebuilds when run at 55,000 PSI.
The Tilt-A-Jet cutting head, say Omax officials, enables cutting with virtually zero taper by automatically calculating and adjusting the angle of the nozzle to transfer taper from the
part being cut to the scrap material. Also on display: the Omax Maxiem 1530 JetCuttingCenter equipped with an A-Jet multiaxis accessory that enables cutting of beveled edges and angles to a maximum of 60 deg. off vertical. Fabricators can use the soft- ware-controlled accessory to cut coun- tersunk holes or for weld-edge prepa- ration. Omax used the Fabtech stage to alert showgoers that it recently expand- ed its lineup of JetCuttingCenters with the addition of 16 new machines, the largest of which offers cutting areas
from 160 by 320 in. to 160 by 640 in.
MultiCam Inc.
Another new entry-level waterjet- cutting system, also equipped with a KMT NeoLine direct-drive intensifier (this one a 10-hp 40,000-PSI model promoted as an economical low-cost option for light-duty cutting) was debuted by MultiCam Inc. Its new Value-series (or V-series) machine uses
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20 MetalForming/January 2012
DieProtection for
Manufacturing By Drew Stevens