Page 25 - MetalForming March 2012
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fixture house might have taken days and impacted our production schedule. “In another case,” Meet continues, “we were welding a clamshell stamping and our production tracking and down- time codes alerted management that welding speed was slowing and causing production levels to drop below the allowable minimum. This triggered closer inspection into the process and we noted that the weld gap in the stamping was too wide, which we attributed to stamping-die wear. Even though the parts were within toler- ance, the press shop and toolroom addressed the die issues and allowed us to increase welding speed back to
acceptable levels.”
Training to Fill Skill Gaps
Last but not least, the knowledge gained by Northern Stamping’s man- agement team from its production and downtime tracking provides an up- close and personal look at any gaps between the skills and responsibilities of its employees. Filling this gap requires training, and with hard data in hand managers can tailor training to address specific problems.
“A recent example,” says Sheffield, “is in the procedures followed to change weld-gun nozzles and tips. A couple of years ago, we were noting excess downtime related to inefficient nozzle and tip changes. Operators often were manhandling the torches and moving them from their pre- scribed location at the end of the robotic arm. As a result, the operators would have to call in a weld tech to readjust and recalibrate the process, leading to downtime.
“Now, we provide periodic training on the proper procedure and technique for changing nozzles and tips, and what to do if they become stuck,” Sheffield continues. “Operators no longer can claim that downtime issue as equip- ment- and maintenance-relate. Instead, it’s now an operator-depend- ent downtime issue.”
Yet one more example of how per- sonal accountability at every level pays off in the long run. MF