Page 29 - MetalForming May 2012
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Metalforming Pioneer Events
Webinar 1
Thursday, May 10, 11:00 a.m. EDT—McGregor Metalworking Companies, Oberg Industries and Roll Forming Corporation
Webinar 2
Tuesday, June 12, 11:00 a.m. EDT—E.J. Ajax & Sons, GR Spring & Stamping and Pridgeon and Clay
Tuesday, June 5, 12:30 p.m., Cleveland, OH—
McGregor Metalworking Companies, Oberg Industries, and Roll Forming Corporation
For more information, please contact PMAEF executive director Dave Sansone:
In this second in a series of articles three companies in this second round
highlighting Metalforming Pio-
neer Award winners, the PMA Educational Foundation (PMAEF) Board of Trustees proudly recognizes these three companies:
• Roll Forming Corp., Shelbyville, KY
• Oberg Industries, Freeport, PA
• GR Spring & Stamping,
Grand Rapids, MI
Through a grant from The Hitachi
Foundation, PMAEF has established this award to identify and develop case studies of employers in the met- alforming industry that excel as suc- cessful businesses, through enhanced values, culture, policies, practices and investments. These are companies whose success fosters and is driven by skill enhancement and advancement opportunities for their production employees. As a result of these prac- tices, these companies are creating pathways to reach higher levels of business success, and to also increase the earnings and skills of their lower- wage employees. In collaboration with MetalForming magazine and in part- nership with The Manufacturing Institute, we are telling the stories of these successful pioneer businesses.
Once again, the submissions received were evaluated by a Steering Committee made up of PMAEF offi-
cers and staff from The Manufacturing Institute. These three companies join the first-round selections featured in the December 2011 issue of Metal- Forming: E.J. Ajax and Sons, Min- neapolis, MN; The McGregor Com- panies, Springfield, OH; and Pridgeon and Clay, Grand Rapids, MI.
The end result of this program will be to further the Hitachi Foun- dation’s mission.
“The Hitachi Foundation is unique- ly focused on the roles of business in society,” says Barbara Dyer, CEO/ president, The Hitachi Foundation. “Our strategy is to promote employer practices that enhance business value while also boosting economic oppor- tunities for lower-wealth Americans. PMAEF is an excellent partner for us and we are pleased to be a part of the Metalforming Pioneer Awards. The
of awards demonstrate how your sec- tor’s leaders are providing great benefits to their employees and communities.”
I hope you enjoy reading about these companies in the following pages; they truly exemplify the prin- ciples of the Metalforming Pioneer Award. Their stories also will be told through other media outlets, includ- ing those of the Manufacturing Insti- tute and Hitachi Foundation. The ultimate goal of this project is to fos- ter direct engagement with other employers in the industry with sim- ilar values, culture, policies, prac- tices and investments that strive to meet similar goals of good business- es and good places to work. To fully carry out this goal, you’re invited to a series of events featuring presenta- tions from these companies. (See the box for details).
The next round of pioneer com- pany identification is underway. Please contact me directly at dsan- to learn how you can be recognized.
Dave Sansone
PMAEF executive director MetalForming/May 2012