Page 8 - MetalForming May 2012
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News Fronts
nition for achievements realized through implementing Plex Online—are EaglePicher Technologies, and metal- formers Clips & Clamps and Spring Dynamics.
manufacturing to Dayton-area high schools. The Dayton Progress Manufac- turing Challenge includes a prize pack- age—including three computer worksta- tions and CAD software licenses, and five $1000 scholarships to Sinclair Community College—valued at more than $40,000. The prize package will be awarded to the school with the most effective and creative program for pro- moting awareness of career opportuni- ties in manufacturing.
Metalformer Named Wisconsin Manufacturer of the Year
Waukesha Metal Products, Sussex, WI, has earned the 2011 Wisconsin Man- ufacturer of the Year Award in the Small Business Category. More than 50 compa- nies were nominated, and Waukesha Metal Products was one of eight that received awards. The firm provides stamped and fabricated metal parts, and tool design and build services.
Fanuc Presents Welding-Sales Award to Wayne Trail
Plex Metalworking Customers Earn Manufacturing Leadership Awards
Wayne Trail Technologies, Fort Loramie, OH, earned an Outstanding Sales Growth Award in the Welding Mar- ket from Fanuc Robotics. Wayne Trail more than doubled its sales volume with Fanuc in 2011 compared to 2010.
Says Dayton Progress president and CEO Alan Shaffer: “We’re confident that these awareness programs will result in more students (who are not college- bound) entering manufacturing, as well as more college-bound students choosing a technology and engineering path.”
Cloud-ERP provider Plex Systems Inc. proudly announced that five of its cus- tomers received 2012 Manufacturing Leadership 100 Awards from Manufac- turing Executive, a unit of Thomas Pub- lishing LLC, New York, NY. Among the five winners—all in the Information Leadership category and earning recog-
Dayton Progress Offers $40,000 Prize Package for Promotion of Manufacturing Careers
In addition to the Manufacturing Challenge prize package, Dayton Progress also will provide four well-paid after-school internships to qualified sen- ior-year students from among the top three school districts participating in the contest.
To combat the shortage of skilled manufacturing workers, Dayton Progress Corp., Dayton, OH, has launched a competition aimed to pro- mote career awareness in industrial
6 MetalForming/May 2012