Page 47 - MetalForming June 2012
P. 47
This screenshot from Cimatron software shows how, in one mouse click, trimming punches can be designed by defining contours. The software automatically cuts through plates with predefined offsets to position the punch.
the first thing you’ll find are quick-start instructions— die-design soft- ware is headed in that direc- tion,” says Cimatron’s Srid- haran. “If I’m a manager in a die-design/ build operation, I should know how to open and close a file, import part g e o m e t r y , locate, pan, zoom, check part size and set
quotes without dumping files into the hands of engineers, who should be spending their valuable time designing real tools, not giving quote information to managers.”
How It Works
More and more, die design and sim- ulation software, especially in a full suite of modules, seamlessly traverses the quote, design and build path. Soft- wareprovidersofferabrieflookathow their products typically function.
• View 3D CAD Files Easily and Manage Projects
Sescoi’s WorkXPlore 3D full-featured high-speed 3D CAD viewer and ana- lyzer is designed for users who are not CAD experts. The product allows these users to explore any type of 2D/3D CAD file. WorkXPlore proves ideal when users need to view 3D parts to assist with quoting; compare engineering changes in CAD data; check draft angles and various radii on a part; place notes on 3D part files and share the
Though training is a must, software providers have crafted products to allow at least basic use right out of the box.
“Buy a printer or a computer, and
radii. The more complex tasks can be handled by employees required to use those tasks on a daily basis or learned over time. Managers can quickly learn simple tasks and quickly send out
Tooling Technology
Stamp a Part Perfectly on the Very First Hit.
is possible. DYNAFORM allows you to accurately simulate the stamping of parts to predict formability issues, validate die design, reduce die development
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