Page 6 - MetalForming June 2012
P. 6
Brad F. Kuvin
Old School Won’t Cut It
At the recently held Automotive Parts Supplier Council meeting, produced in Detroit by the Precision Metalforming Association, one belief came across loud and clear, as suppliers gathered to listen to an expert panel discuss the critical issues facing automotive suppli- ers. That is: Five years from now, metalformers that fail to adopt new and advanced techniques and technology, superior to today’s techniques and technology, likely will have vanished.
Paraphrased, this means that failure to evolve will lead to extinction. Or, as one manu- facturing engineer recently told me, you cannot rely on old-school technology if you expect to hold on to your customers. The engineer was speaking of his company’s adoption of adap- tive controls for resistance welding. Such controls automatically sense variations in resistance due to different weld-joint thickness or material composition, or even the presence of oil or adhesive. The controls then automatically adjust the weld procedure on the fly, ensuring con- sistent weld quality without interrupting production. You’ll read more about this application next month in MetalForming.
Speaking with this engineer, I was reminded of how quickly new school can become old school. Ask yourself this question: How long ago did these products come
New-school quoting, simulation and tool-design software drives a reduction in new- tool tryout time.
on the scene: GPS systems, E-readers, recordable DVDs, and PlayStation and Xbox video-game consoles? Seems like yesterday, right? But I’m here to tell you that all of these gadgets will soon be considered old school. As noted in a recent Yahoo! article titled, “7 Gadgets that Won’t Be Around in 2020,” all of the products mentioned will be eclipsed by new- school technology. We’re talking smart phones with embedded GPS tech- nology, tablet computers, streaming options for music and movies, and smart televisions with built-in gaming technology.
Look around your shop and try to envision the gadgets that won’t be around in a few years, and start planning to replace the old-school stuff with new school. Adap- tive controls certainly fit the bill. So does state-of-the-art die-design and development soft- ware, described in this issue in an article by contributing editor Lou Kren. Having spoken with management at metal stamper and die developer Dynamic Metals, Kren describes how the firm leverages new-school quoting, simulation and tool-design software to drive a reduction in new-tool tryout time—from as much as two weeks down to one day. That article begins on
page 42.
Some credit these and other new-school manufacturing techniques as launching the third
industrial revolution. A recent article in The Economist says as much, describing the first and second industrial revolutions, and then noting that “as manufacturing goes digital, a third great change is now gathering pace. It will allow things to be made economically in much small- er numbers, more flexibly and with a much lower input of labor, thanks to new materials, com- pletely new processes, robots and new collaborative manufacturing services available online.”
Start preparing now for this third industrial revolution, by ushering out old-school tech- nology and welcoming in new-school ideas.
4 MetalForming/June 2012
Serving those who create precision metal products using stamping, fabricating and other value-added processes.
© 2012 by PMA Services Inc. 6363 Oak Tree Blvd. Independence, OH 44131 216/901-8800 | fax: 216/901-9669
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