Page 29 - MetalForming July 2012
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PMA Education Foundation (PMAEF)
PMAEF was established in 1996 to support and develop training and edu-
cation for met-
alforming skills,
and to improve the public image and awareness of careers in metalform- ing. It raised more than $2 million in an endowment campaign, the majority of which was pledged between 1997 and 2000. Since that time the founda- tion has made more than $1 million in grants to support its mission.
• To advance the lawful common purposes of its members and to promote and safeguard the interests of the industry as a whole.
• To foster equity in business usages; and to formulate, pro- mote and develop programs and activities designed to assist producers of stampings to operate with the greatest econo- my and efficiency.
• To provide a proper, practical, efficient means of main- taining contacts between government and the industry.
• To promote a helpful, sympathetic relationship between the industry and the public and to improve the industry’s commercial and industrial relationships.
• To cooperate with other industries and organizations.
• To do everything necessary and proper for the accom- plishment of any objects herein set forth or which shall be rec-
ognized as proper and lawful objectives of nonprofit trade associations, all of which shall be consistent with the public interest, as well as in the interest of this industry and trade.
The association also sought to collect and disseminate trade statistics and other factual data and information of interest and value to the industry and the public; to conduct research into markets; and to handle trade inquiries. Unfair trade practices received attention back then, as they do today. And so did efforts to promote apprentice training and make other attempts to educate and train those con- nected with or interested in becoming affiliated with the industry. PMI members worked then, as do PMA members today, to promote and protect the industry’s interests in public and governmental matters and to secure adequate presentation of its problems before governmental, economic and business groups.
Onward and Upward
On March 1, 1949, the officers of PMI entered into a joint operation with the National Screw Machine Products Asso- ciation. Later that year, the association’s board of directors established the following committees: Executive, Finance, Statistics, Industrial Relations, Industry Mobilization, Tech- nical Research and Standards, Public Relations, Sales, and Education. Districts within PMI also were defined and the duties of district officers outlined.
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Enterprise Resource Planning in the Cloud
Founded in 1995, Plex Systems, Inc. is the developer of Plex Online Cloud ERP. Plex Online helps manufactur- ers cut costs, streamline processes, improve productivi- ty and meet regulatory customer requirements across their enterprises and supply chains. The company is headquartered in Auburn Hills, MI (US), and has cus- tomers around the globe.
The Plex Online solution offers more than 350 func- tional modules that give manufacturers instant access to vital information and management functions via a simple Web browser. Plex Online offers features for virtually every department within a manufacturing operation, including manufacturing operations management (MOM) and quality management systems (QMS) for the shop floor; customer relationship management (CRM) for sales and marketing; supply chain management (SCM) for procurement; enterprise resource planning (ERP) for finance and management; and business Intelligence(BI) for executive management.
The on-demand solution features product life cycle management (PLM) functions such as program and change management; ERP functions such as accounting and finance modules; CRM features such as order entry and tracking; manufacturing execution systems (MES)
functions such as production scheduling and machine integration; and SCM functions such as supplier quality and traceability.
Plex Systems, Inc.
1731 Harmon Rd. Auburn Hills, MI 248/391-8000
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