Page 17 - MetalForming September 2012
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due to obsolescence, in order to be replaced and retrofitted. What seems like a quick fix can become an extend- ed delay, due to the need to design a robust solution for a component no longer available.
What can a company do to mitigate its risk? Here are a few tips to keep your presses running at peak performance.
Predict the Future, and Plan
Every press shop is unique in terms of equipment, equipment age and the demands placed upon that equip- ment. By working with experienced press builders and OEMs, equipped with the required documentation and engineering expertise, companies can set objectives to address a specific situation:
• Identify impending failures • Identify parts at risk
• Identify/eliminate phantom
• Verify software integrity
• Verify system safety
Going through this process, a met-
alformer can identify the information necessary to develop a critical part- or unit-exchange program based on the current environment; set maintenance work instructions with a schedule; and establish preventive-maintenance inspection protocols to mitigate the risk of extended downtime.
Prepare for Obsolescence to Save Money
Every part has a life cycle. For exam- ple, press electrical components have a life of seven to 10 yr. As new technolo- gies are developed, old ones become obsolete. In new press systems, these components often are designed differ- ently, or even removed altogether. What is an acceptable time for this compo- nent to be out of commission? Under- standing and preparing for obsoles- cent parts is crucial to maintaining uptime.
Identifying press components that are obsolete and no longer available can help a metalformer schedule mod- ifications and adjustments in advance of a problem. Lacking a direct replace-
ment for an obsolete component, stampers should plan the required engineering changes in order for the equipment to accept an alternative component. Not only will such plan- ning allow a company to budget for related costs of such projects,, but it also allows a company to maintain optimum press uptimes by schedul- ing the repairs during regular down- times.
Metalformers often can leverage system similarities and identify criti- cal components across the continent, or even the globe, to ensure quick response. Creating a common-parts exchange program with an OEM, for example, can make it easier to respond to service needs. For example, if a common architecture is not already present with your company, such architecture can be planned for press-
connect everywhere
Network your factories and offices with SmartPAC 2 and LETS (Line Efficiency Tracking Software)
Take advantage of
SmartPAC 2’s built-in Ethernet connectivity to communicate over your network.
Send and receive text messages, display setup sheets stored on a central server, back up your tools to a remote location, and view pressroom status over the network and internet. When you connect your equipment to LETS, you can collect production data, feed critical parameters reports automatically, view machine status in real time, and schedule a prioritized job queue for each machine.
To learn more about Wintriss Controls, please call 1-800-586-8324 or visit ®2011 Wintriss Controls. All rights reserved.
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