Page 14 - MetalForming November 2012
P. 14
The Business of Metalforming By Nancy Lesinski
Professional Services vs. DIY Marketing— Finding the Right Balance
Long gone are the days of art mark- ers and keyline boards, and of hard-copy images with loads of airbrush retouching. With a few tech- nology tools and the right applications, each desktop computer holds the tech- nical capability of an entire ad agency. Yet understanding how to use a high- definition camera, PowerPoint, InDe- sign, Constant Contact or any other pieces of equipment or application soft- ware does not makes one a marketing communications expert. A warning: poorly produced content reflects nega- tively on your company and your brand.
Here are some key issues we see as
Nancy Lesinski has more than 30 years of experi- ence in developing inte- grated marketing-com- munication campaigns, including more than 18 years working in the manufacturing sector. Nancy Lesinski
Principal, Lesinski & Associates A member of the Industry- Scope Consortium
we peer out at the marketing-commu- nications landscape.
Photography: A (good) picture is worth 1000 words, and as high-quality digital cameras have become incredibly affordable, achieving quality images should be simple. However, we find that many self-taught photographers strug- gle with lighting and composition. Hir- ing a professional photographer who is experienced with shooting industrial environments and products often is well-worth the investment. So, if you are just documenting images for your files, handle it yourself. However, when high- lighting new pieces of equipment in lit- erature or on your website, consider investing in a professional.
Video: As video playback software and hardware has improved signifi- cantly in recent years, so has the use of video as a marketing-communications tool on the Internet. Between 2010 and 2011, the number of unique video view- ers in the United States increased by almost 42 percent. During that same time period, the number of videos
viewed reached 43.5 billion. While this trend presents opportunities for mar- keting, a poorly produced video can quickly taint your brand. And, a poorly marketed video may never show up on the radar. Seek to create engaging videos comprising content of value and rele- vancy to your prospective viewers. Strong script-writing and graphic skills are a must; a theatre background also is helpful.
Literature: Just because someone in your office can use InDesign, Quark or Photoshop does not mean they are a graphic artist. A rule of thumb: More is not necessarily more, so avoid the temptation to load literature up with lots of color, copy and typefaces. Con- ceptualization, messaging, composi- tion, illustration, copywriting and lay- out all are distinct skill sets that are hard to replicate.
Social Media: Here is an area where it helps to have someone onsite working in real-time to convey your company’s messaging. Unfortunately, too many companies leave this as an open-ended task with no set guidelines for posting. Assign one or two people to this task, with a schedule and develop a set of key messages to keep the company’s brand message on target.
Need Help?
If you need help navigating these marketing avenues:
• Look for an agency with experience in your type of business. If you don’t know where to turn, benchmark other business owners in your industry.
• Develop a marketing budget and share it with the bidding agencies. No one can put together the best plan for you if they don’t’ know what they are working with. A rule of thumb for marketing-dol- lar allocation: 3 to 5 percent of gross sales for established businesses, and 5 to 7 percent for a new business. MF
MetalForming/November 2012