Page 15 - MetalForming February 2013
P. 15
Human Capital
Have Checkpoints
It’s important to hold your employ- ees accountable, but it’s also impor- tant to be accountable to them. Spend time with each employee to ensure that things are going well personally and professionally, in their role within the company. This is a great opportu- nity to work out any problems or issues and, most importantly, a great time to brainstorm ways that the company could be doing things better.
Hold monthly one-on-one meet- ings with everyone in your organiza- tion. As things start to grow and scale, spend time with your leaders and have them spend time with the individuals in their department.
Be Flexible
Hold your employees accountable, but also be flexible to their needs. By creating a flexible environment and culture, you can really empower your employees to embrace failure and learn from their mistakes instead of con- stantly walking on eggshells.
At DTA, we have a very flexible work schedule. Every employee is encour- aged to work from where he needs to be, especially if something happens and they need to work away from the office. This creates an environment where employees are more concerned with working to accomplish their goals instead of getting caught up on the amount of hours worked or how many days off they get in a year.
Entrepreneurs, CEOs and executives must have processes in place to ensure that they are developing their talent and that their employees are happy and productive. If employee develop- ment and morale go unchecked, you will end up spending much more time, money and energy due to high turnover and internal issues. Additionally, if you are spending more and more time cor- recting mistakes, letting people go and hiring new employees, it will stunt your business’ growth—no matter how well the company is doing. MF
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