Page 46 - MetalForming April 2013
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Sharing Knowledge
that will move us forward. And, its events provide opportunities to net- work with the best suppliers in the industry, who can educate and counsel us,” he says. “We’ll add programming on automation, linear servo motion, auto- mated parts handling and inspection, laser cutting and welding, waterjet cut- ting, and robotics. PMA must take a leadership role in driving technology and innovation into our companies.”
PMA president Bill Gaskin concurs, and reflects on Adler’s theme:
“During the last few years, the industry and PMA have recovered well from the recession. We’re engaging members in new ways, and will con- tinue to do so. We’ve had the right lead- ership at the right time—patient and reflective chairs such as Gretchen Zier- ick and Bob Clay that led us out of the recession in 2010 and 2011 (respec- tively). And, 2012 chairman P.J. Thomp- son, who emphasized the need to train and prepare our industry’s middle- management executives, spearhead-
New-product development takes center stage as (left to right) sales manager Arnie Mayher, plant manager Tony Scrima and tool and die engineer Larry Vasicek meet. Vasicek heads up the firm’s sensor lab, and regularly attends PMA tool and die semi- nars. Mayher belongs to PMA’s sales and marketing committee and, along with Bill and Liz Adler and CFO Brian Gorris, regularly attends the PMA Automotive Parts Supplier Conference. Says Scrima: “By attending local PMA district meetings, I’ve developed a great network of suppliers to help keep our plant at the leading edge of technology.”
ed PMA’s founding of the Middle Man- agement Academy (MDA). The MDA held two well-attended training ses- sions in 2012 and will continue its work in 2013 and beyond, beginning with a training event scheduled for May 5-7, 2013, in Cleveland, OH.
“Now, with Bill’s focus on knowl- edge and innovation,” Gaskin con- cludes, “we’ll look to further develop offerings to help member companies shape their futures and meet the needs of a growing manufacturing economy.” MF
This 200 ton 4-post press is employed by a steel company to test samples of sheet metal coils
prior to shipment to the customer. Three different draw depths are used to check for uniform thinning and other variables.
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44 MetalForming/April 2013