Page 43 - MetalForming June 2013
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Tooling by Design
engineers make better decisions. Other design aides include sensitivity and stability analysis (robustness) using Monte-Carlo type simulations and eval- uation of die kinematics under differ- ent loading conditions.
What’s Next?
What work will the die and metal- forming engineers of the future per- form? What skills should they possess? Will CNC machining be replaced by additive-manufacturing technologies such as 3D printing? Imagine the num- ber of new manufacturing technolo- gies that will emerge between now and 2020.
The metalforming and tool and die industries (among many other indus- tries) are at a critical crossroads. A majority of students preparing to enter the workforce in 2017 will work at jobs that do not exist today. That means we must train these students to be able to use technologies that have not yet been invented, so that they can solve problems that we do not yet recognize or understand.
Unlike the post-World War II era, a large migration of die engineers and metalforming specialists from other parts of the world is not forthcom- ing. Experience no longer will differ- entiate your company from your com- petitors; a solid engineering aptitude and working knowledge of metalform- ing mechanics will. However, this requires radical changes in the way we train our apprentices and engineer our tools. MF
Pete Ulintz will be a featured speak- er at the PMA seminar, Designing and Building Metal Stamping Dies, sched- uled for October 9-10 in Cleveland, OH. Among the topics he’ll address: Pro- gressive die strip development; design tips to reduce maintenance costs; deep drawing irregular shapes; controlling springback; and forming shrink flanges and stretch flanges.
Learn more and register to attend at
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