Page 23 - MetalForming July 2013
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AutomateYour Finishing Operations
About us:
Worldwide we rank as one of the most innovative companies in the field of automated surface handling, specializing in plants and robots with applications and transfer lines for a variety of complex automation processes. Grinding, polishing, deburring, brushing, measuring, loading and unloading, palletizing— all automated and networked, all the way to the production line, including part loading and handling. We provide seamless solutions, built on proven components, sophisticated programming, and expert engineering, to meet your individual requirements.
Exact, reproducible grinding of parts from different materials is a sci- ence of its own—a craft we have developed to perfection. We combine grinding machines that we developed in-house with robots, to produce robot grinding cells or complete robotic systems. With the right grip- per technology the plants are highly efficient and reliable.
Precise requirements for design and quality, with a wide range of variants, are increasingly in demand, regardless of the industry or product. Brilliant prospects for you—with our robot solutions: With our facilities, components, and interlinks you can meet the market’s demands. Our innovative systems ensure the repro- ducibility and precision of your sur- faces naturally at a premium quality level. High-quality requirements for the surface finish: this is the chal- lenge we embrace again and again.
Due to high and rising production rates, the surface finishing of prod-
tematic customer orientation, high level of vertical integration, and a highly qualified team.
SHL—we find the most optimum solution for you:
• Grinding
• Polishing
• Deburring
• Brushing
• Palettizing
• Loading and unloading
• Sawing
• Customer-specific concepts
• Customer-specific grippers
• Customer-specific pallets
• Automation at the highest level
5126 South Royal Atlanta Dr. Tucker, Georgia 30084 770/934-0526
Fax: 770/934-3384
MetalForming/July 2013 21
ucts has been fully automated in vari- ous industries—using robot lines, systems, or machines, by grinding units or grinding robots. This high degree of automation ensures that production costs remain competitive on a worldwide scale. We develop your individual solution so that you also can meet these challenges in the future. We achieve this with our sys-