Page 35 - MetalForming July 2013
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Resistance Welding 101
Restoring “Tribal Knowledge”
Metalformers are discovering that resistance welding is an ideal value-added assembly operation to offer customers.The process is appropriate for a wide range of applications...and, when properly applied, it is the fastest, least expensive and strongest method to join metal.
Although resistance welding appears simple and straight-for- ward, there are numerous vari- ables that must be understood and tightly controlled to ensure consistent quality.
However, due to retirements and layoffs, there is a startling lack of resistance welding “tribal knowledge” in most metalform- ing plants today and the process can quickly become a nightmare when welds fall apart.
To help manufacturers succeed with resistance welding,T. J. Snow Company is committed to providing accessible and reason- ably priced process training. Its highly rated one-day course, called Resistance Welding 101, is offered at various locations around the country and cus- tomized in-plant training is also available. In addition, a combina- tion of classroom and hands-on training is offered at the compa- ny’s location in scenic Chattanooga,TN.
Starting with the basics of elec- tricity, the course covers resist- ance-welding principles such as proper set-up, transformer and control functions, pneumatic sys- tems, troubleshooting, quality weld assessment and operator safety.
SinceT. J. Snow’s instructors each have many years of experi- ence troubleshooting resistance- welding machinery and applica-
tions, they understand the chal- lenges of the process in a pro- duction environment.
Using a variety of “war stories” from the field to illustrate some of the challenges, the course is customized based on the needs of those in attendance.
Founded in 1963,T. J. Snow Company has been a leading source for resistance-welding machinery, parts, supplies, repairs, service and training for more than 50 years.
T. J. Snow offers a diverse selection of standard resistance welders—new, used and truly
remanufactured like-new. In addi- tion, the company builds a broad range of special-design resistance welders, ranging from single sta- tion machines to complex sys- tems incorporating assembly functions in addition to welding.
For more information, contact T. J. Snow Co., 1-800-NOW- SNOW (800/669-7669),
120 Nowlin Ln. Chattanooga, TN 37421 800/669-7669
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