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abas-ERP:The Flexible Solution for Mid-Market Manufacturers
abas provides growing compa- nies with a wide range of out-of- the-box functionality. Whether your firm operates in a make-to- order, make-to-stock or job shop production environment, abas can optimize your production process and improve customer service capabilities. More impor- tantly, abas abas can be readily adapted to meet industry or com- pany-specific requirements, with- out impacting the standard func- tions or limiting upgradability.
abas is priced to fit most budg- ets while delivering full ERP func- tionality. Operating on Linux, Unix and Windows, abas Business Suite has the flexibility, scalability and ease of use that has demonstrated consistent ROI to its customers.
• abas ERP for discrete manufacturing
• CAD integration
• abas Advanced Planning
Detailed Planning
Shop floor planning and visuali- zation are among the state-of-the- art tools abas provides to manage and maintain your production schedule. Detailed planning con- siders both resource availability and inventory constraints to visu- alize achievable schedules and support decision making process- es. Additional functionality further optimizes production scheduling and inventory to increase service levels and decrease costs.
Our system is designed to:
• Enhance production planning and scheduling
• Decrease planning cycle time
• Visualize schedule
• Reduce lead time
• Facilitate inventory reduction
Technology + Flexibility
abas-ERP achieves flexibility and transparency through the use of a multitiered software architec- ture with a solid object-oriented database as its foundation.This application tier contains core functions and, along with the database layer, forms the kernel of abas ERP.
The abas tools layer enables vir- tually any modification driven by business rules, all of which carry over after the recommended annual upgrades.The top tier is the flexible user interface, which is the visible and adaptable presen- tation interface, and allows for the representation of any master data, transactional data, process and work flow, as well as access to third party and web services.
sustainable technology. From early implementation of Linux, the multitiered structure of the software architecture with our own abas database, to abas busi- ness apps, abas remains on the cutting edge of remarkable and innovative software and techno- logical best practices.
abas Business Suite
• abas ERP
• abas Project Management
• abas eB
• BI
• abas Document Management • abas Detail Planning
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abas is a pioneer in the area of
21240 Ridgetop Circle, Ste. 100 Sterling, VA 20166 703/444-2500