Page 39 - MetalForming August 2013
P. 39
The Science of Forming
carbon to exit the solution and enter the atomic structure, increasing strength.
Unfortunately, the paint-baking information was only half of the required knowledge. Some press shops would make a basket or even multiple racks of parts once the first die was completed and successfully tried out. However, sev- eral weeks later, when the line dies were complete and the store of parts was used for final tune of the entire line, a stamper might come to find that the line dies made parts that did not meet print specs. Why? During the weeks that passed after forming, the parts increased in yield strength equal to that of the paint-bake cycle.
In the last two or three decades, several new steels have been developed, particularly in the advanced high-strength steel (AHSS) category. Prior maximum yield strengths of 80 ksi have been superseded by yield strengths greater than 150 ksi. Acceptance of virtual forming, servo presses, very low- coefficient lubricants, hydroforming, strain-measuring cam- eras and other technological advances can be stymied by con- tinued use of outdated information and old press-shop rules. When press shops still follow maximum forming speeds for different materials based on data printed decades ago, and still found in current tool and die manuals, technology will not save them. Training is needed that presents presses, dies, materials, friction and data collection as a single inter- active system. MF
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