Page 25 - MetalForming September 2013
P. 25
6363 Oak Tree Blvd. • Independence, OH 44131 216/901-8800 | fax 216/901-9669
The Manufacturing
ERP ExperienceTM
October 8-9, 2013 | Cincinnati, OH
Modern ERP systems have changed how companies do business. By integrating all of a company’s data and processes into a unified system, ERP software allows companies to be more cost- and time-efficient.
Learn the latest developments in ERP software at this timely and focused 1.5-day event, presented by MetalForming magazine.
• Witness software demonstrations from leading suppliers, including
Epicor, Plex Systems, IQMS, NetSuite, ECi Software Solutions and Global
Shop Solutions.
• Benefit from case-study presentations describing successful software-
implementation projects.
• Hear keynote presentations from respected, knowledgeable experts on
ERP-software implementation strategies, vendor selection, training and other critical topics.
This is your chance to network with ERP experts.
We would like to thank our sponsors:
MetalForming/September 2013 23
Members enjoy access to training and workforce development products:
please contact Janet Krall at