Page 40 - MetalForming September 2013
P. 40
Ten Hut! ERP Implementation Basic Training
from these so-called “best practices.”
9) A project without executive buy- in is a project without a rudder.
Executive buy-in, commitment and support—in word as well as in deed— are mandatory components of a suc- cessful ERP
ask a client is, “Why do you want to implement new ERP software?” Then we ask, “How are you going to measure its effectiveness?” Establishing and monitoring key performance indica- tors is of the utmost importance at the
system, and I want you to do it cor- rectly. This does not mean shoving the project onto the IT department’s plate; it does not mean ignoring business practice or organizational change management; it does not mean you can give up thinking about the system after the go-live date; and it does not mean taking everything the software vendor or reseller says as the gospel truth.
An ERP implementation is a huge— and perhaps unprecedented—oppor- tunity for your company to improve itself and the way it functions. This is the time to involve everyone, to truly understand how you’re currently oper- ating and how you want to operate in the future, and to make the changes necessary to achieve your business goals.
By offering the above advice, I am, much like a drill instructor, trying to tear down your preconceptions and beginning to build you and your team into a lean, mean ERP machine. MF
tion. The execu-
tive team does
the company a
great disservice
if it fails to gov-
ern effectively,
sit through sys-
tem training, effectively allocate resources, set proper priorities, truly agree on the objectives of the imple- mentation, and take the time to make all of the business decisions necessary to truly benefit from the system. These are your company’s leaders; they need to lead.
10. If you don’t measure it, you won’t achieve it.
The first question our consultants
“Panorama’s 2013 ERP report finds that
53 percent of projects cost more than expected, 61 percent take longer than expected, and
60 percent fail to deliver at least half of the anticipated business benefits.”
corporate, business unit, departmental and individual levels. How else will you calculate ERP return on investment, or understand how effectively the sys- tem is being used, or where and how it could be leveraged better moving for- ward? KPIs will drive accountability, usage and, naturally, performance.
My intent here certainly is not to scare you off from an ERP implemen- tation. I want you to implement a new
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38 MetalForming/September 2013