Page 8 - MetalForming September 2013
P. 8
23rd International
News Fronts
Your finest products for a forward-thinking trade audience
AMT Cancels Vegas Tradeshow
AMT—The Association For Manufacturing Technology has cancelled its imX tradeshow, scheduled for November 18-20, 2013, in Las Vegas. The association cites scheduling conflicts and the “inability of key part- ners to commit staff and product to the event” as rea- sons for cancelling imX, an event focused on “education and product applications.”
OESA’s New President/CEO
The Original Equipment Suppliers Association (OESA) has appointed Julie A. Fream president and chief executive officer; current president and CEO Neil De Koker becomes president emeritus. OESA represents 450 companies that provide the products used to build new vehicles in North America. Fream previ- ously held positions in manu- facturing, sales and marketing at General Motors, Ford, TRW and Visteon, has a bache- lor’s degree in chemical engi- neering and an MBA from Harvard Business School.
Flow Helps to Turn Wounded Warriors into Certified Waterjet Operators
Flow Intl., Kent, WA, via its partnership with Workshops for Warriors, announced that the first class of Flow-certi- fied waterjet-cutting-system operators has completed a 2.5-day training course at the Workshops for Warriors facili- ty in San Diego, CA. Accord-
ing to the organization’s web- site, 87 veterans have gradu- ated from its programs with a 100-percent placement rate, and another 241 veter- ans are currently in training. In January 2013, Flow provid- ed the facility with a Mach 2c waterjet-cutting system with Dynamic Waterjet taper con- trol, HyPlex Prime 55,000-psi pump and FlowMaster intelli- gent control software.
Laser Cutting the New Spire for One World Trade Center
On May 10, 2013, when workers installed the spire for One World Trade Center in New York, Kammetal Archi- tectural Metal Inc., Brooklyn, NY, secured its place in histo- ry. Of note: the architectural and ornamental metal fabri- cator used laser cutting (on a Trumpf TruLaser 1030 machine) to cut the spire’s stainless-steel structure. The machine boasts a 2500-W laser and 60- by 120-in. sheet-cutting capacity.
Tour Superior Die Set’s Paperless Shop Floor Superior Die Set Corp.,
Oak Creek, WI, invites suppli- ers and customers to tour its facilities on September 13, 2013, in honor of its 90th anniversary. Founded in 1923, the firm manufactures die sets, mold bases, pins/bushings, three-platen presses, cut-and-ground machined plate, fabrications and forging products. A high- light of the tour will be learning of the firm’s use of ERP soft- ware to create a paperless shop floor while maintaining more than 2500 daily work
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MetalForming/September 2013
Sheet Metal Working Technology Exhibition