Page 42 - MetalForming February 2014
P. 42
Tooling Technology
Noteworthy Developments in
and Controls
Sensor and control expert George Keremedjiev perused the halls of FABTECH 2013 to develop this hit list of new state-of-the-art product developments aimed at helping metalformers error-proof their operations.
The November 2013 FABTECH show was a delightful showcase of the latest and greatest in electronics for metalforming and assembly. Seemingly every aisle featured at least one stunning new development in sensor or controls technology. Here I share 10 such pillars of tech- nology, gathered as I put on my consultant hat during the show and explored it with the eyes and needs of my metal- forming and assembly clients.
Note: I am not endorsing nor recommending the products described here, but I certainly encourage readers to explore them further to determine their potential applicability to their plant’s needs. The brief comments below (in alpha- betical manufacturer order) are a hybrid of my show obser- vations, conversations with the various vendors at FABTECH and materials published by the respective manufacturers.
1) Balluff Flatpack SteelFace sensor: Literally not a week
George Keremedjiev is an instructor and consultant with Tec- know Education Services, Inc., Boseman, MO, and has more than 30 years of experience in error-proof manufacturing implementation;
goes by in my error-proofing consultations where a client does not ask about sensors that can better survive their harsh welding environments. This important new sensor offers an alterna-
tive to the more
common tubular
types of sensors
that find use
throughout the
welding process-
es in our indus-
try. Its rectangu-
lar flat packaging
can potentially
make its installation within welding fixtures more flexible. Its survivability within harsh welding environments stems, in part, from its one-piece stainless-steel housing and Balluff’s new patent-pending coating.
2) Cieco Automator II control: With as many as 48 die- protection sensor inputs and 32 cam outputs, this controller offers numerous fea- tures including a 15-in. touchscreen; versatile rack system; paperless press setup and techni- cal documentation access; field upgradabil- ity; and function-spe- cific I/O cards, includ- ing functions such as automated adjustments of shut height and counterbalance, analog sensor input, servo-feed interface and Ethernet process monitoring and reporting.
40 MetalForming/February 2014