Page 16 - MetalForming August 2014
P. 16
Tech Update
Controllable Notching Dies Pay Off for High-Volume Lamination Stamping
Manually operated notchers suit well the flexible and economic production of small to midsized batches of laminations, used in electric motors and generators. But when production ramps up to larger lot sizes, controllable dies that produce the sta- tor and rotor in a single step will save valu- able handling and setup time. To under- stand just how quickly the investment in controllable dies pays off, consider analy- sis performed using Schuler’s new eCon software, which calculates the breakeven point based on a variety of operating parameters.
In the case of a conventional single notch, the operator first inserts the blank, the notcher cuts the stator notches and simultaneously cuts out the blank for the
rotor, and then the operator removes the two blanks. He then needs to change the die for the next step, inserts the rotor blank, and the finished rotor is and removed.
MetalForming/August 2014
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