Page 20 - MetalForming August 2014
P. 20
Safety Update
Safety Controller Promotes Seamless Integration of Safety and Other Automation Disciplines
OSHA Offers Interactive Training Webtool
for Identifying Workplace Hazards
Omron Automation and Safety, Schaumburg, IL, introduces its NX series safety controllers that combine automation and safety on the same EtherCat network in a mixed I/O backplane. The design promotes flexibility and minimizes wiring costs. A single intu-
the safety controllers ideal for applications such as robotic workcells, flexible packag- ing machines and material-handling workcells with multiple access points.
“Combining our integrated system, including safety components, from safety switch- es and safety sensors to motion devices with integrated safety functionality, provides sig- nificant benefits to machine builders who want to simplify and speed machine designs and improve performance,” adds Dodds.
Omron Automation and Safety: 847/843-7900;
Through the hazard-identification tool, users can play from the perspective of either a business owner or an employee as they learn to identify realistic, common haz- ards and address them with practical and effective solutions. The tool explains the key components of the hazard-identifica- tion process, which include information col- lection, workplace observation, incident investigation, employee participation and prioritizing of hazards.
Cutting Equipment Comes
Complete with Safety Apparatus
itive-software programming environ- ment reduces machine- and safety- design time, while an auto- configuration restart function elim- inates the need for tools or software
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has released a new interactive training tool to help small businesses effectively identify hazards in the workplace. Users of the new training tool will learn hazard-identification skills hazard abatement and control.
to exchange I/O hardware.
“The NX controller represents a decisive step towards the complete integration of safety, logic, motion and vision, in one software platform, on one network and in one control system,” says Matt Dodds, product
“Hazard identification is a critical part of creating an injury- and illness-preven- tion program that will keep workers safe and healthy on the job,” says Dr. David Michaels, assistant secretary of labor for occupational safety and health. “This new tool educates employers about how to take control of their workplaces and pro- tect workers, and demonstrates that fol- lowing well-established safety practices is also good for the bottom line.”
marketing manager.
Such functionality and flexibility make
CNC cutting-equipment (router, plasma, laser and waterjet) manufacturer MultiCam, Dallas, TX, has added additional safety-
control options to its prod-
Locate the hazard-identification training tool on OSHA’s website,
uct line. Included: light curtains, safety mats and laser-safety eyewear.
Light curtains are pho-
toelectric transmitters that
cast infrared light beams to a
receiver unit around the MultiCam
machine. They act as a personal
safety device by stopping the cut-
ting sequence once an object or
person crosses the beams. At start-up, the machine automatically checks for any safety faults and will issue either a safe status or a warning.
Chiller/Dust-Collector Combo for Precision Laser Cutting
Safety mats are fitted around the machine to provide a safe area for operators to enter when needing to stop motion and close the mechanical shutter. Lastly, special eyewear is encouraged for operators and other personnel that will provide additional protection for the eyes during laser operation.
MultiCam: 972/929-4070;
Tri-Mer Corp., Owosso, MI, a manu- facturer of air-pollution control systems, introduces a combination water chiller and dust collector for laser-cutting oper- ations. The unit features an air-cooled water chiller engineered for heavy-service laser heads and optics that provides ±0.5- deg. uniformity. An exclusive plug-and- play feature minimizes setup time; the
18 MetalForming/August 2014