Page 34 - MetalForming October 2014
P. 34
FABTECH Booth B715
32 MetalForming/October 2014
include product design, selection of tool steels and surface coatings and establishing proper punching and cut- ting clearances.
Peter Ulintz
Anchor Manufacturing Group, Inc.
Using Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) Coatings to Improve
Tool Steel Performance
A coating system that will not alter the core hardness of the tool-steel sub- strate or result in a dimensional change is critical. Within these constraints, the ideal option is a physical vapor depo- sition (PVD) coating.
James Kaszynski
Böhler Uddeholm Corp.
Trends in Part Processing
This presentation will review a range of examples of stamped parts from class A and class B automotive parts to deep-drawn and special applications such as fineblanking. The capabilities, advantages and potential future appli- cations of using servo-drive technolo- gy as compared to traditional meth- ods will be compared and explained.
Andreas Kinzyk, Schuler Inc.
Wednesday, November 12
8:00-10:00 a.m.
Die Protection and Sensor Basics
This workshop introduces the basics of in-die sensing for die protection. Starting with an overview of the dif- ferent types of sensors commonly used
for die protection, attendees will learn how to select and properly apply the right sensor for any application. Real- world examples will highlight the advantages and limitations of each sen- sor type.
Jim Finnerty
Wintriss Controls Group
Introduction to Sheet Metal Formability Analysis, Engineering and Simulation
Topics covered include: strain analy- sis for prediction of formability, com- mon failure modes of sheetmetal parts, circle-grid and thinning analysis and finite-element analysis of sheetmetal stamping processes. Learn how to read forming-limit diagrams and identify common applications of forming analysis.
Eric F. Kam
AutoForm Engineering GmbH
10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Advancements and Best Practices for Die Protection and
In-Die Sensing
This session will review examples of how press shops have successfully jump-started error-proofing and trace- ability programs in their facilities. Top- ics include industrial RFID systems, the growing use of industrial Ethernet technologies and the universal accept- ance of IOLink.
Will Healy III and Dave Bird Balluff Inc.
Education Program