Page 98 - MetalForming October 2014
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Spotlight on PMA
Vote for Manufacturing on November 4
• Voter Registration and Early Voting Options—Help employees register to vote, find out if you can vote early and locate a polling location.
Election Day—November 4, 2014—is right around the corner. For Republicans, the Sen- ate majority is within reach, with most political prognosticators giving them a slight edge to take control of that chamber and the full Congress for President Obama’s two
remaining years in office. Meanwhile, Democ- rats in the House of Representatives are try- ing to chip away at the Republicans’ 17-seat majority as they prepare for a 2016 presi- dential election with higher voter turnout.
Safety Conference Includes Plant Tour and Track Sessions
PMA, through its One Voice advocacy part- nership, has assembled a number of tools to help all manufacturers participate in the upcoming elections. The One Voice website,, contains:
PMA’s Annual Safety Conference for Metalforming Professionals, scheduled for October 21-22, 2014, in Cleveland, OH, will feature presentations on new OSHA developments and on a host of safety-relat- ed topics. And, this year’s program has been expanded to include additional expert speakers, plus an exciting plant tour.
• Get Out The Vote (GOTV) poster, for dis- play in your plant
• Congressional Scorecard that tallies how members of Congress have voted and their level of support for small and medium-sized man- ufacturers
Highlights include:
• Invite a Member of Congress to Your Plant—A how-to guide to invite elected officials to tour your plant
• A plant tour of the General Motors Parma Metal Center, one of GM’s pre- mier metal-stamping and assembly operations
• Track sessions on accident investi-
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96 MetalForming/October 2014
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