Page 17 - MetalForming November 2014
P. 17
Safety Update
Survey Quantifies Concerns Regarding Rising Healthcare and Insurance Costs
A new survey conducted by the Nation- al Association of Manufacturers (NAM) and IndustryWeek finds, among other results, that manufacturers’ optimism looking ahead to 2015 and beyond is tempered somewhat by rising healthcare costs. Those rising costs are noted as the top business challenge facing U.S. manufacturers.
Key survey findings:
• More than 77 percent of manufac- turers identify rising healthcare and insur- ance costs as their most important chal- lenges.
Die courtesy of Tella Tool and MFG. Co.
Die designed & built by Lane Tool and MFG. Co. using Logopress3
• More than 85 percent of respon- dents expect that their healthcare costs will increase by at least 5 percent.
• More than half expect to increase healthcare copays and deductibles (55.8 percent) and/or increase the share of premiums paid by employees (54.4 per- cent).
Scholarship/Grant Program Supports Safety Professionals
The American Society of Safety Engi- neers (ASSE), Des Plaines, IL, announced that its foundation is accepting applica- tions for its 2015 Scholarship and Pro- fessional Education Grant program. Schol- arships and grants are available for students pursuing degrees in occupa- tional health and safety, and safety pro- fessionals working to advance their pro- fessional credentials. In 2015, the ASSE Foundation will award $250,000, includ- ing awards in a new category dubbed Impact Scholarships. These awards range from $10,000 to $15,000 and are designed to cover a substantial portion of a student’s tuition.
Learn more and apply online for schol- arships and grants at dation; applications will be accepted until Dec. 1, 2014.
Die Design Software & Flattening Software
Booth B13
November 11-13, 2014
Atlanta, Georgia