Page 47 - MetalForming November 2014
P. 47
How Salvagnini Transformed An Industry
Think back to EuroBlech in 2008—or FabTech in 2009, when Salvagnini startled the industry with the introduction of the world’s first fiber laser. Our competitors tried to tell attendees at those shows that fiber lasers were a fluke,
but today, fiber lasers top the bestseller list.
And with its running head start, Salvagnini has more fiber lasers in operation around the world than all competitors combined. That means that Salvagnini has the deepest well of practical experience and expertise to get you up and productive in the shortest possible time.
With a cost per part that humbles any CO2 laser, scalable Salvagnini L3 and L5 fiber lasers can operatein a stand-alone environment or function as an integral part of an automated, system.
Fiber Laser Cutting. Perfected by Salvagnini.
For more information, visit
L5 Fiber Laser Cutter