Page 8 - MetalForming March 2015
P. 8
News Fronts
through the years by Stuart Keeler and Peter Ulintz is far beyond the understanding of the average metalworker, and few if any schools present this detailed information to allow effective problem solving. I know what Stuart and Peter are talking about, only because I am an engineer with years of experience and materials science. We need to provide applied metallurgy classes for those intending to work in this area.
and other metalformed parts, has acquired Pelham Preci- sion Spring Co., Greer, SC. Newcomb’s facility in Gasto- nia, NC, will fulfill Pelham’s existing orders and absorb Pelham’s equipment (CNC and automated coilers, wire- grinding equipment and more) and tooling. Newcomb Spring operates nine facilities throughout the United States and Canada.
Spirol Earns
GM Supplier Award
editorial (Drawing a U.S. Man- ufacturing-Competitiveness Roadmap) with interest and will make my first-ever comments after reading MetalForming editorials for 10-plus years.
Only 80 companies have earned the General Motors Supplier Quality Excellence Award for the last three years, including Spirol Intl. Corp., Stow, OH. Spirol, a manufac- turer of engineered compo- nents for fastening and joining (shims, spring pins, machined nuts, etc.), recently received GM’s 2014 Supplier Quality Excellence Award, having met all 13 of GM’s quality criteria over a period of 12 months, including this one: “Zero— Number of defects in parts and components delivered.”
I am a design engineer and have always maintained that it is difficult at best to design anything without an under- standing of how the item is going to be manufactured. This is what leads to remarks about junior engineers and impossible to-build-projects.
Denzil Hellesen
TeraDiode to Supply Laser Engines to Panasonic Welding Systems
I am getting ready to retire and have been asked to teach basic metallurgy. Due to a lack of application knowledge of what is actually happening when parts are heattreated, welded, machined or formed, I also have been asked to develop an applied metallurgy class. The information pre- sented in MetalForming
With the signing of a multi- year purchase and supply agreement, TeraDiode, Wilm- ington, MA, will provide 4-kW high-brightness TeraBlade laser engines to Panasonic Welding Systems. The PWS robotic welding and cutting
Letter to Editor
Newcomb Spring Corp., Decatur, GA, a manufacturer of custom springs, wireforms
Dear Mr. Kuvin,
I read your January 2015
South Carolina Spring and Wireform Manufacturer Acquired
Coming to
These men installed a Jet Edge waterjet system in a remote copper mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo. You can too. 1.800.JET.EDGE
6 MetalForming/March 2015