Page 26 - MetalForming April 2015
P. 26
Attracts Kitted Projects
Just six months after Magnum Steel installed its new laser-cutting machine, it’s operating at nearly full capacity, two shifts per day. The Amada FOM2 RI (rotary index) 3015 machine is equipped with a six-shelf sheet-storage tower to efficiently move cut nests and fresh sheets in and out of the laser-processing cavity. The machine also is equipped to process round, square and rectangular tube and pipe, as well as C-channel and angle iron.
in the mining industry,” explains Jim Czerwinski. “As customers who had been outsourcing their sheetmetal work—for panels, brackets and similar parts—began to ask us to single-source their metal-fabrication work, we start- ed to process some of the sheetmetal work on our heavy fabricating equip- ment, which really is better suited to thick plate.”
That equipment includes a waterjet- cutting machine, and a 500-ton by 12- ft.-long press brake that performs well on heavy plate, but not quite as well on thin-gauge work.
Maxed Out
Taking on the additional sheetmet- al work quickly maxed out the firm’s
MetalForming/April 2015
A specialist in mining- equipment rehab mines new markets thanks to an armada of Amada sheetmetal-fabricating equipment—three press brakes, a CNC turret
press and a 4000-W CO 2
laser-processing cell with sheet tower and a rotary-index station for tube and pipe cutting.
“Before we bought our laser- cutting machine, 1-in.-thick steel was sheetmetal to me.” So says Magnum Steel Works vice president Johnny Czerwinski, who along with brother and company owner Jim Czerwinski recently took the 10-yr-.old firm, specialists in repair and rehabbing field-worn coal-min- ing equipment, into the world of sheet-
metal fabrication.
In mid-2014, Magnum Steel Works
down-gauged its capabilities to exploit opportunities in fabricating material 3⁄8-in. thick and less. With one purchase order (from Amada) came three press brakes, a CNC turret press and a 4000-W CO2 laser-cutting machine. And, in less than six months, the startup sheet- metal shop is near capacity; more equipment likely is on the way soon, according to the Czerwinski brothers.
“Typically, we fabricate and machine heavy-gauge steel for our customers