Page 38 - MetalForming April 2015
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To Whom Much is Given, Much is Expected
says. “Along with my counterparts from PMA and NTMA, we have had numer- ous in-depth conversations with con- gressmen from all over the country to raise their awareness of our concerns, and key issue perspectives.”
(Editor’s note: The 7th Annual NTMA/PMA One Voice Legislative Con- ference is scheduled for April 21-22, 2015; learn more at www.metal-
PMA Offers Company-Wide Support
Smith has gained personal and pro- fessional enrichment from engaging with PMA. Beyond that, Termax has experienced growth and prosperity in large part fueled by encouraging others throughout the company to take advantage of PMA’s various opportu- nities to learn and network. Examples abound:
• Human-resources director Maria Rivas is an active participant on the PMA human-resources listserve; attends its annual roundtable event; participates in the Women in Manu- facturing organization; and attended the PMA Management Development Academy (MDA).
• Logistics director (and former pur- chasing manager) Tom Boss partici- pates in the PMA safety committee, and attended the MDA.
• Company president Wes Gardocki belongs to one of PMA’s executive-net- working groups, and attended the (new for 2015) PMA Executive Development Academy (EDA).
• Toolroom manager Rick Ducato attends local Chicago-District PMA meetings, and also attended the MDA.
• IT manager Mike Ossi participates in PMA’s IT roundtable.
• CFO John Hoeksema attends the annual CFO Roundtable meeting.
“Roundtable meetings, in particular, have proven time and again to be extremely valuable learning opportu- nities for many on our management team, myself included,” Smith says. “These peer-group meetings often cre- ate mentoring opportunities, and our managers always come back from the meetings with ideas we can implement here at Termax.”
Asked to provide an example, Smith points out the most recent PMA net- working event he attended—the EDA program, held January 7-9, 2015, in Tampa, FL. The event featured speakers from J.P. Morgan, Foley & Lardner, Plante Moran and other organizations.
“Nearly 40 metalforming-industry executives attended,” he says, “to net- work with peers and learn from speak- ers on topics such as generational dif- ferences, content marketing and social media, international business and lead- ership excellence.
“These types of networking and idea-sharing initiatives prove that you don’t have to be a brain surgeon to suc- ceed in manufacturing. There are plen- ty of opportunities, through PMA, to learn from others, and to share what you have learned.” MF
36 MetalForming/April 2015