Page 8 - MetalForming July 2015
P. 8
News Fronts
Business Notes
New Prima Power Laserdyne Laser for Chinese Tech. Center
native to single-point joining processes suchas resistance spot welding, laser welding and riveting.
Dallas Industries Taps Wootsun Machinery and Software Solutions as FL Rep.
Prima Power Laserdyne, Champlin, MN, is set to install a Laserdyne 430BD laser system at the new Prima Power Technology Center in Suzhou, China. The center will provide laser process development for Asian customers seeking solutions to a range of fabricating challenges. The six- axis system will be equipped with a 15-kW QCW fiber laser and demonstrate precision cutting, welding and drilling in a range of materials. Designed to be used for 2D and 3D components, the system operates at speeds to 800 in./min. in the x, y and z axes with bi-directional accuracy of 0.0005 in. throughout its large work envelope. An optional, fully integrated and interpolated sixth-axis rotary table extends the size of components that can be processed in the system.
Relying on RFSSW technology, Spot- Meld uses rotational friction to heat the materials along with pressure, melding the parts together using wear-resistant tooling to join two or more surfaces. In addition to its ability to join dissimilar and lightweight materials, benefits reportedly include high-quality joints with a small heat-affected zone, consistency in weld duplication and faster meld times, as well as being environmentally cleaner and safer with no filler material, spatter, smoke, radiation or shield gasses.
Dallas Industries, Troy, MI, has appointed Wootsun Machinery and Soft- ware Solutions, LLC, Lake Mary, FL, as its representative in Florida. Dallas Indus- tries’ press-feed and coil-handling equip- ment includes servo feeds in a range of sizes and capacities, all equipped with the company’s ProfileSelect controls.
nexAir Acquires Georgia Welding-Supply Company
“EWI has driven multiple innovations in the field of friction-based welding tech- nologies,” says Tim McCaughey, Coldwa- ter Machine president. “We are excited to partner with EWI in further development of manufacturing solutions that can address the challenges presented by today’s growing use of advanced and lightweight materials in a variety of industries.”
Welding gas and supplies distributor nexAir, Memphis, TN, has acquired M&A Welding Supply Co., whose locations include Calhoun, Cartersville, Douglas- ville and Jasper, GA. The acquisition dou- bles nexAir’s existing footprint in Georgia, and all of M&A employees will join nex- Air’s Georgia operations.
The Laserdyne 430BD includes a full complement of hardware and software features for integrated control of the laser, motion and process sensors. The high level of integration provides greater process control and flexibility and is the basis for capabilities that affect process- ing speed and quality of laser-processed components.
Ametek Acquires Global Tubes
Coldwater Machine manufactures and integrates precision equipment and tools for multiple industries.
The Watermill Group has sold Global Tubes, a manufacturer of specialized, precision metal tubing from metals and alloys such as stainless steel, nickel, zir- conium and titanium, to Ametek, Inc. Global Tubes’ products are used in appli- cations serving the aerospace, energy, power generation and medical markets. Global Tubes joins Ametek as part of its Electromechanical Group
Investment firm Watermill acquired Fine Tubes Ltd., Plymouth, United King- dom, and Superior Tube Co., Collegeville, PA, in 2012 and united the two compa- nies under the Global Tubes name. Signif- icant changes and investments were made to streamline manufacturing opera- tions, increase production capacity, upgrade equipment and decrease prod- uct lead times.
Wheelabrator Group (Canada) Ltd., has moved to a new location and office complex in Burlington, Ontario. The facili- ty’s new spacious conference rooms and modern workstations for engineering and sales allow the team to better offer state- of-the-art technology, according to com- pany officials. Wheelabrator manufac- tures a range of wheel-type shotblast machines, mass finishing equipment and automated airblast systems.
Ready Technology Adds Distributors in Ohio, Michigan
Coldwater Machine Co., Coldwater, OH, a new member of the Edison Welding Insti- tute (EWI), has installed one of its Spot- Meld systems at EWI for research focused on the joining of advanced materials.
“Wheelabrator continues to see steady growth in all of North
America,” says Andrew Carmichael, presi- dent and COO of Wheelabrator
Ready Technology, Dayton, OH, has added two distributors for its die com- ponents, Sup-R-Die, Inc., Cleveland, OH, and Freer Tool & Supply, Clinton Town- ship, MI.
SpotMeld is a refill friction-stir spot- weld (RFSSW) solution that enables spot joining of aluminum (1000- to 7000- series), magnesium, nonferrous and dis- similar sheet materials, offering an alter-
Group. “Our new facility will allow our ded- icated team of service and sales engi- neers to respond even faster to customer queries.”
6 MetalForming/July 2015
A full staff of Chinese-speaking engi- neers, salespeople and management per- sonnel will coordinate Laserdyne’s partici- pation in the center.
New Location for Wheelabrator Group Technology Centre
in Ontario, Canada
Coldwater Machine Provides Joining System to Edison Welding Institute for Friction- Welding Research