Page 29 - MetalForming August 2015
P. 29
Reusing CAD Data Speeds the Process
Recently, Wisconsin Metal Parts received an order for three dies to make four separate parts (Fig. 2). Each of the dies would share the common attributes of a station to coin the burr side of the material; guided strippers throughout, along with stripper bal- ancers; backup plates throughout the top and bottom of the die; and sensors detecting feed length and stripper balance.
The first die would be interchange- able, used to produce two different parts. That die design (Fig. 1) features a progression of 4.150 in. and a stock width of 6.250 in. The company designed and 100-percent detailed this die in 54 hr.
For the second die design used to produce the third part (Fig. 2), Schwartz used a Logopress3 com- mand called “Save as with new project name.” This command saves all part, assembly and drawing files with a new project number, job number or tool number to differentiate it from the first design. This allows the designer to reuse as much data as possible. After deleting the stock strip and related punches, the designer inserts the new strip layout and adjusts the parametric dimensions. Because of the parametrics involved, the designer easily can change the progression and stock strip width for this new die design. This second die design has a progression of 3.950 in. and a stock width of 6.000 in., differ- ing from the first die. Wisconsin Metal Parts designed and 100-percent detailed this design in 18 hr.
The third die design, differing from the first two and the most complex, featured a pierced hole with the same diameter as the material thickness, as well as 10 cold-formed extrusions on the die side with diameters equal to the material thickness. This third die design, with a progression of 4.050 in. and a stock width of 7.000 in., was designed and 100-percent detailed in 30 hr. Fig. 3 shows strip layouts from each of the three die designs,
each with a different stock width and progression.
Productivity Increases Still Unfolding
These designs showcase the power of parametric software. While Erschen appreciates that his staff now designs and details dies twice as quickly, he also sees additional benefits for the shop.
“We still create 2D detail drawings as before, but now our staff can open and work directly with the 3D models in our existing CAM software,” he says.
Erschen also notes that that the new software results in fewer mistakes. Next up, Erschen plans to expand commu- nication across the shop through the die-design process by employing a free viewer and markup tool included with- the software. MF
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MetalForming/August 2015 27