Page 67 - MetalForming September 2015
P. 67
Tooling by Design
thickness control and surface finish, compared to sheet products, may be the ideal solution to an existing prob- lem in the press shop. Unfortunately, this option may never be considered if the press shop believes that strip steel does not come in coil form.
Another misuse of steel terms relates to the new advanced high-strength steels (AHSS). We often hear users refer to these materials as advanced high-
Contrary to common belief, the two are not the same: 1 mil is 0.001 in. while
1 mm is 0.03937 in.
strength low-alloy steel. AHSS grades, however, contain a lot of alloying that helps them attain their ultra-high- strength levels. In fact, some AHSS materials have yields strengths exceed- ing 100 ksi, while some high-strength low-alloy steels also offer 100-ksi yield strength. Therefore, it’s critical to learn and use the correct nomenclature when ordering these materials.
Why all of the emphasis on nomen- clature? If we cannot accurately com- municate amongst ourselves using a common spoken language, what kind of problems will you have as a global supplier that must communicate accu- rately with customers around the world, translating between multiple languages?
Make a point to know, understand and use the correct nomenclature in your industry. We all need to be talking about the same thing. MF
Pete will be speaking at PMA’s Designing and Building Metal Stamping Dies Seminar on Oct. 7-8 in Cleveland.
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