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SouthworthProductsCorp. ...............................37 SutherlandPresses ......................................15 T.J.SnowCo.,Inc........................................43 TSTToolingSoftwareTechnology,LLC......................38 TaiwanLinkigiMetalCo.,Ltd. .............................36 TechnoCNCSystems ....................................45 Unist ...................................................6 UnitedAluminumCorp. ..................................47 VeteransMfg. ..........................................45 VibroIndustries .........................................17 WorkNC ...............................................18
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Metal Forming (ISSN 1040-967X) is published monthly by PMA Services, Inc., 6363 Oak Tree Blvd., Independence, OH 44131-2500, for Precision Metalforming Association, an international organization serving those who create precision metal products using stamping, fabricating and other value-added processes. Metal Forming is circulated free upon request to those in North America who qualify and are in the metalforming industry. (Publications Agreement No. 40031793) Others in North America may subscribe at $40.00 per year ($4.50 per single issue). Overseas subscriptions are $225.00 per year. All subscriptions include shipping and handling.
POSTMASTER: Please send form 3579 to Metal Forming, 6363 Oak Tree Blvd., Independence, OH 44131. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, OH and at additional mailing offices. (USPS 392-530) Produced in the USA
March 9-12, 2016
JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort & Spa Palm Desert, CA
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72 MetalForming/September 2015
800/743-1000 310/453-6981 800/NOW-SNOW 800/984-6190 +886-3-350-2577 631/648-7481 800/253-5462 800/243-2515 800/382-8322 717/527-2094 248/351-9300