Page 21 - MetalForming November 2015
P. 21
Combination turret-press/laser machines require additional mainte- nance; namely, keeping nozzles and lenses clean. Brady recommends check- ing them daily, as dirt and dust will negatively impact cut quality and speed. Lasers in combo machines also create dust when working with aluminum.
When using a combo machine, Brady recommends prepunching the laser starting points. Doing so not only saves wear on the laser lenses but also cuts down on dust.
CO2 lasers also require periodic checking and changing of chiller water and turbo-blower oil.
Production Efficiency
Also Extends Machine Life, Shortens ROI
Evolving CNC punch presses not only push the technology envelope to deliver improved performance, they can do so indefinitely if they get some TLC. Throw in some productivity tricks courtesy of Brady, such as these two tips below, and these machines will perform as promised well into the future while shrinking ROI time.
1) Optimize sequencing. Program- ming software offers automatic opti- mization and users should take advan- tage of it. Common programming punches one part in a nest, then con- tinues to the next. Though ideal for first-part inspection, more efficient is programming an optimum toolpath for the entire sheet. Users can use both methods, creating first parts for inspec- tion then switching to an optimum- toolpath program. For example, com- monline punching, or one cut along the edge of two separate parts instead of separate cuts for each part, saves time and tool wear.
2) Strive for sheet rigidity. Program the longest parting hits, as you liberate parts or make microtabs, as the final hits in the sequence across the sheet. This keeps the sheet as rigid as possible. Another sheet-rigidity tip: Start a hor- izontal parting tool at the top of the sheet and work toward the clamps so that final hits are performed closest to the clamps. MF