Page 14 - MetalForming January 2016
P. 14
Tech Update
Manifold Turns Chaos to Order
setup times and reduce costs. The cata- log contains photos, engineering draw- ings and specifications on Hilma’s quick- change clamps, die lifters, power units, magnetic systems and accessories. Hilma systems can be designed for specific applications. The catalog can be obtained via the company website.
LSP Industries, Rockford, IL, introduces the ExpandaFold manifold system that, com- pared to traditional manifold systems, uses fewer fittings and joints, eliminates leaks and cleans up the unsightly messes associated with makeshift manifolds. Use them
to transport air or fluid.
The units’ ExpandaValves are designed to be assembled into custom manifolds with screws, pipe or tubing, in a variety of configurations. Clus- ter-type installations can be assembled in a tight cluster, with one valve actually touch- ing another, conserving space. Assembled with an O-ring between each valve, they are held together with interlocking screws that thread into each other. Further, an angled setup allows mounting of the ExpandaValves in a horizontal line or to direct each valve
Orbital Stretch Wrapping of Conveyor-Fed Products
at 90, 180 or 270 deg. from the adjoining valve.
The Wrapper Tornado line of orbital stretch-wrapping machines, introduced by TAB Industries, LLC, Reading, PA, allows products to be fed through the company’s wrapping machinery from a chain, belt, roller or other type of conveyor. The units feature a wrapping ring that’s held
Quick-Die/Mold-Change Catalog
The Hilma Div. of Carr Lane Roemheld Mfg. Co., Fenton, MO, has introduced a 256- page catalog, which offers state-of-the-art quick-die/mold-change systems that can reduce
Over our 80 years, Multipress has sold more than 60,000 standard bench, C-frame and 4-post hydraulic presses to manufacturers in the U.S., Mexico and Canada.
In the 21st century, we also supply custom-engineered special application presses
Standard or special, you can count on Multipress for reliable, productive hydraulic presses.
12 MetalForming/January 2016